View Full Version : Is it normal to bleed there?!

03-11-13, 14:18
The past few days when going to the loo - number 2 (sorry for the subject!) I've noticed some bright red blood in the tissue when I wipe - only the tissue, nothing on the stool or in the toilet, and also that my anus is quite sore. What is this and is it normal? I'm going to boom an appointment tomorrow obviously but was just curious as to weather anyone else has had this? All advice would be happily welcomed! Thanks x

03-11-13, 14:21
It will be either piles or a small tear called a fissure.

03-11-13, 14:22
Thank you Nicola!

03-11-13, 14:27
Yep I agree with Nicola,

I suffer from Anal Fissures (even had an op on them a few years ago:shades:) What you describe is bright red blood which is not anything you need to worry about...try some Sudafed cream!!

03-11-13, 14:28
Yes.. If it's bright red it's fresh blood isn't it - so it happens when you pass stool? Xx

03-11-13, 14:43
Poor you Emma.

Had this myself recently, and it is very sore and not pleasant. :(

As Nicola and Sarah said, it must be one or the other - anal fissure or piles.

You can get a fissure if you strain too hard when having a number 2, usually from constipation.

I found two things very helpful. Firstly, I used some suppositories for piles (I in fact only needed one) It helped a lot with the soreness. Secondly, I used some Preparation H anal wipes when wiping myself instead of loo roll. This is much more soothing when you bottom is sore, and they are infused with things that help heal the anus if you do have some tear there.

The bleeding is not a problem unless it goes on and on, but going by your symptoms it does sound like you may have either of the above mentioned. If it is piles, they can bleed when you have a bowel motion, and if it is a tear, same again, but both are very treatable, usually with over the counter meds and a bit of time as far as the tear goes.

Hope it gets better soon.x:hugs:

03-11-13, 15:01
It's not pleasant is it? As you can imagine my HA is in overdrive!! Xx

Fen Dave
03-11-13, 15:50
As has been said if it's bright red blood then it's almost certainly piles or a fissure.

03-11-13, 15:58
Thank you for the advice/reassurance xx

03-11-13, 16:03
Emma I've just written a post about the very same issue. So saying this happens to me too. I hate it (because I have HA) and I do tend to let the old mental floss run amok at times. That then sends me back to the bathroom because my bowel spasms and I end up with sudden onset diarrhea ... so you can imagine what happens to my anxiety levels.

It's a right farce, honest :)

Mine is related to piles, though I'm unsure of the actual difference. Do try not to get obsessed with your crap (literally) ... because that is very easy to do :whistles:

03-11-13, 16:06
Tell me about it!! Xx

03-11-13, 16:23
This is how common it is - my husband has a bleed about twice a month. He pays no mind to it. Ever. All three of my children have experienced an anal fissure at one time or another, usually through constipation/straining, whilst growing up.

It's just us HA folks that get our giddy up about it :)