View Full Version : Palpitations after a night of drinking and lack of sleep

03-11-13, 14:25
I got in this morning at 3am after drinking quite abit.

I very rarely drink these days so it effects more than it used to.

I didn't sleep very well at all because my ears were ringing etc.

This morning my heart is beating faster than usual.

Can anyone reassure me?

03-11-13, 14:41
A little tough love GirlAfraid....

Why should I or anyone reassure you for doing something you know makes your anxiety worse? You know and I know what it is and why you're feeling the way you are.

Maybe, hopefully... feeling crappy today will be a wake up call to not do it again in the future.

Take a couple of aspirin and deal with it. Not much else you or anyone can do. Hope you feel better soon.

03-11-13, 14:44
A little tough love GirlAfraid....

Why should I or anyone reassure you for doing something you know makes your anxiety worse? You know and I know what it is and why you're feeling the way you are.

Maybe, hopefully... feeling crappy today will be a wake up call to not do it again in the future.

Take a couple of aspirin and deal with it. Not much else you or anyone can do. Hope you feel better soon.

Gotta say this was very well put:shrug:


03-11-13, 14:47
I get what you're saying but surely even those with anxiety are allowed to go out and have a few drinks and have a bit if fun once in a while.

I very rarely do it these days but I am regretting it today. The palpitations are panicking me a little that's all.

03-11-13, 14:52
We can go out and have fun but we don't need to drink to have fun. I personally wouldn't because I know it isn't worth it for how I would feel the next day.

03-11-13, 14:55
Girl sometimes a bit of tough love is what you need. What we all need. Right now you know that you're not good on alcohol. Why would you drink knowing how it's going to make you feel? You have plenty of time to get back to socialising etc once you're well.

The way you're feeling this morning is self-inflicted by the sound of it. You know why you're more anxious than normal. Avoid alcohol until you're able to handle it - that's the best advice :)

03-11-13, 15:22
I get what you're saying but surely even those with anxiety are allowed to go out and have a few drinks and have a bit if fun once in a while.

I very rarely do it these days but I am regretting it today. The palpitations are panicking me a little that's all.

there's nowt wrong with going out and even having a drink or two would probably agree with some people but if you KNOW it will make you feel worse, well, best avoid it eh? It is tough love I am afraid. For instance, I don't drink because if I did, I'd feel out of control. I am afraid to feel that way. Similarly I have to avoid certain foods because of what they do to me. The one person who can always look after you is yourself and you need to listen to your body. Its telling you something today. Hope you feel better soon but do listen to the sound advice here. Oh by the way, to have a good time out you don't have to drink. I don't and it doesn't stop me having fun when I go out. Also, you did get home very late; if I went to bed at that time regardless of drinking or not, i'd feel like death the next day guaranteed.

03-11-13, 16:51
Have to agree with what everyone's said. Why do something you know makes you anxious? Everyone on here tries so hard to AVOID feeling anxious and would do anything they could to not have it. I have plenty of amazing nights with friends where I either don't drink or just drink 1 or 2. I'm on meds so don't see the point taking an anti-depressant to then put a depressant into my system.

Anyway, lesson learnt, don't drink so much in future, or not at all

03-11-13, 17:17
Am pretty certain girlafraid didn't intentionally go out her way to feel like she does today....sometimes it just happens after a night drinking....and sometimes a good night with good friends helps you to forget your anxiety for a few hours...hope you feel better tomorrow girlafraid


03-11-13, 17:37
To answer your question - yes it is normal for a faster heart beat after drinking alcohol.

It will settle once the alcohol is out of the system

03-11-13, 18:12
Girlafraid I always get palpitations when I drink. It used to make me anxious, but it doesn't anymore because I know why I'm having the palpitations and they're not harmful, just annoying.

So when I decide to have a few drinks I know that it'll have an adverse affect so I need to accept that and not allow myself to worry or panic about it.

The same with you - you can avoid alcohol if it makes you feel bad, or you can have a few drinks now and again but just accept that it will make you feel bad and deal with it in a more rational way. The same way people deal with an ordinary hangover, we need to deal with the anxiety hangover lol.

03-11-13, 21:39
Yeah i get palps and will feel abit depressed after a night of drinking it will pass :)

04-11-13, 13:22
I'm not going to nag at you but I can agree that I certainly feel more anxious after a night out, drink plenty of water and a couple of paracetemol (if you can take them) and it does go

06-11-13, 07:02
Hi there, I am new to this forum and this is my first post. This is exactly the same as me. I like to enjoy myself but the horrors the next day are horrendous. I get mad palpitations even wakening me in the early hours. These last for a day or two until it is out of my system. I think my body has just become sensitive to alcohol recently as it never happened before. You are right in saying that even someone with anxiety still has to go out and enjoy themselves! I am trying even though I was married in 2012 and widowed 6 months ago. :weep:

06-11-13, 12:58
I have to disagree with everyone else. If there's one thing I learned from my CBT, NEVER avoid things that make you anxious, otherwise you end up limiting your life. Some people feel terrible just leaving the house, would you advise them to stay in to avoid it? No, you do deserve a night out and as long as you are being safe with alcohol and using it responsibly, to socialise with friends ect, there's nothing wrong with it. If you feel you need it to make you feel better/cope ect then there is an issue. In medical terms, alcohol can have some nasty effects, it's a poison at the end of the day but what you really need to focus on is that everybody, even those young irritating, get's up and goes to work fine types, suffers a hangover and when you learn to go with the feelings and not fight them or over-analyse them, you will start to do fine. The key to overcoming anxiety is to face it head on and not hide from it. P.s. I always find a banana milkshake very effective in overcoming a nasty one! The electrolytes in the banana will help your heart rhythm get back to normal and the milk will line your stomach! x