View Full Version : Faced anxiety, but don't feel great now

03-11-13, 16:56
Often, when I face my anxiety and succeed, rather than feeling great afterwards and proud I did it, I feel down. Does anyone else find this?

Last night I faced my anxiety and was absolutely fine, but today I just feel down and like I'll never get better. I'm just looking to the next time I have to face it, rather than thinking "yay I did it, next time will be even better".

I do tend to be a pessimist and have always been, but I hardly ever feel pleased after :-(

03-11-13, 17:11
Hi Lizzie,

I get what you mean, I have felt the same. For me, I often work myself up so much in advance of doing the thing that scares me, that by the time it's done, I am wiped out! Maybe it's the same for you, but whatever it is, try to be kind to yourself, you overcame a huge hurdle and should be proud of yourself :)


03-11-13, 17:20
Thanks Greg :-) You're probably right, it's just annoying cos I should be feeling great and really happy!

03-11-13, 17:31
Thanks Greg :-) You're probably right, it's just annoying cos I should be feeling great and really happy!

that's your problem right there. Don't put an expectation on it. Facing anxiety can take a tremendous amount of energy, particularly emotional energy. So it's quite natural to not feel relief or pleasure after facing the anxiety.

03-11-13, 17:36
I am the same, I achieve something and the next day I am exhausted.

03-11-13, 17:44
Phew, not just me then. Incognito you're right, it's just a shame that we don't feel proud of ourselves afterwards for achieving something.