View Full Version : work/illness related anxiety

03-11-13, 18:16
Hi all,

I work in a school so therefore get school holidays off, good as I get to spend time with my son and don't have to worry about childcare but bad because geeing myself up to go back to work after 6 weeks of a different routine is VERY hard

I am a sexual health drop in worker, we are open 3 days a week, we see 13-16 year olds about a range of issues ion school, not just sexual health. we are open mon wed and fri. I have to record each drop in and each one to one (if a young person has dropped in for a specific issue) and collate them as stats for the NHS as the partially fund the project. Each day we have anywhere between 20-50 young people drop in. That gives you a little background.

I am very specific about routine and very organised with my work. The woman I work with has different skills shall we say. I am responsible for collecting stats at the end of each shift and 'cleaning' them at the end of each term. I am relentless with this and very efficient. Because the lady I work with cannot do this, when I am off I have to catch up.

This week gone was half term, I was off sick on the last Friday of term (leaving 1 day of stats and a term of cleaning to do). I have had rubella and my boss said I cannot return to work until Friday at the earliest. This would leave the latter and 2 more days worth of stats to catch up on.

Now I am really worried and feel physically sick at the thought of having all this to catch up on... the lady I work with doesn't record the info needed for the stats effectively so I am upset that my stats will not be 100% correct.... I was thinking of asking my boss if I can go in on Tuesday when there is no one else in to catch up..... do you think this is going too far? It would really help me to feel better..... Plus I am worried about the specific children I work with. Continuity is very important and I feel I am letting them down by not being there.....

I hope this makes a little bit of sense.....:shrug:

04-11-13, 09:13
If your boss says that you cannot return earlier than Friday then there's no bargaining. He's obviously been told this by someone else. If you returned earlier and got anybody else infected (especially a pregnant woman) or got worse then your boss would be questioned.

Can't you explain to your boss the situation of the stats. If he's made aware of it then he may be able to collect and submit some of the stats or neaten some up for you when you get back.