View Full Version : OCD?

04-11-13, 02:44
I didn't think much about this until I was talking to my Mum about my attacks and she said "Oh, do you think you have OCD then?"

I don't think I have any typical signs. I don't mind if my house is mess or how long it's been since I've hoovered. The only cleanliness thing I have is if I touch something disgusting, like when I've cleaned the litter tray, picked up after the dogs or had to remove a slug from the kitchen. Even though I wouldn't have touched it directly I will still wash my hands 2/3 times with hot water.

I do like things in even numbers because for some reason odd ones are unlucky (except 13). I do check things a billion times like the doors, windows, stove etc. And I tend to keep things because I think that the object will be hurt/sad that it's been thrown away. Also, if I am given the choice between a red ball and a blue one I will feel guilty for not picking the one I picked, espicailly if I changed my mind about which one I'd pick.

I do get obsessed with things though but they seem to pass after a few months, then a new obsession comes. A few months ago it was my teeth, I was terrified they would fall out so I'd check them in a mirror constantly, my heart would skip a beat if food got stuck and missing brushing them would be unimaginable. I literally just ate soft food because I was terrified hard/crunchy food would break my teeth.

Now I am paranoid about being sick so before I go to bed I make sure I have certain things with me. All because I think that if I don't do one of these I will be sick for sure.

I really think I should talk to someone! Ha! :roflmao: