View Full Version : New here

04-11-13, 09:50
Have just found this site. I had the most awful incident yesterday and when I thought about it afterwards I realised it was a panic attack. I am the sort who just keeps going and worries about everything. I was feeling tired and should have stayed in but went down to the shops. i started to feel out of it, dizzy and really unwell. I came straight home and lay down and developed a really bad headache. i was sweaty and the rest of the day was a complete wash out. i am in the midst of selling my house to downsize and am on my own. I guess I think I am a coper but it all caught up with me. Today, I still feel headachy and dopey. I want to go out but am scared in case it happens again. I dont think I have been eating very well and always eat quickly which results in bad digestion. I try and keep fit and walk and always feel I should be doing 'something'. Feel guilty if I sit around. Thanks for listening, hope I dont sound a total wimp.

04-11-13, 10:04
:welcome:you don't sound like a wimp ,you sound like you got a lot to cope with ,you will find lots of help and support here I have

04-11-13, 11:22
Hi welcome.

04-11-13, 17:46
Hello and :welcome:to the forum.