View Full Version : Some months in - Positive Post

04-11-13, 09:54
Well, four months in on Citalopram and I wanted to share.

I experienced the three weeks of hell at the beginning. I, like most, upped my dose from 10mg to 20mg and stopped at 30mg. I experienced insomnia during the first two months on and off. Then it all clicked into place.

I feel able to deal with stressful situations (including my job), feel much happier and even feel even able to express myself to my wonderful wife (so the pills didn't turn me into a robot as they sometimes can do).

It does get better. Citalopram may not work for everyone, but if it does you really do just ease into a more stable, happier life.

On a more adult note, the pills did completely kill my libido for two or more months (and the loss of appetite and weight from that can be a worry, but my appetite came right back) but then it came back and everything feels even more intense than ever before - and it was never a problem before). Is it down to the heightened serotonin? Is it because I have much lower anxiety? Don't know, don't care. Happy to take that as a bit of compensation.

I just wanted to offer my experience on the forum, a forum that was so much help to me during those awful first weeks - an odds are that there is a good chance that you are reading this during those troubled first weeks as I was.

The pills can turn you inside out and upside down before your system accepts them. As bad as it was for me, I am sure many of you experience far worse and I do not intend to sit here and say it is always something you can ride through. For me, it was bad but I got through it.

I hope you all see the benefits as I have.

04-11-13, 19:18
Ty vhex... I posted yesterday saying that was it, I was better then today I had an awful day with anxiety ( I'm on 30mg, upped from 20mg 4 weeks ago ) .... Pls tell he the good days become more in time ( I know they will but I need someone else to tell me) ... When I have a rubbish day I feel like I'm back to square 1.

So glad uve got your life back!!

05-11-13, 14:42
It does get better, Britabb, for many people. I can't guarantee it works for everyone. As it happens, I had a bad day today from outside stress but I know the pills helped me cope with it.

I expect this rubbish day I am having will continue for a few days. I hope you start to see more benefits soon.

05-11-13, 17:58
Ty... And stay positive , you've come this far!

06-11-13, 21:58
dont forget people with out depression or anxiety have bad days too, its part of life, but at least its not every day, good luck

06-11-13, 22:15
Vhex, congrats on getting through the rough sides to citalopram. Glad you are feeling better in yourself, I hope they keep working as they are now!