View Full Version : Why Do Mornings Suck

04-11-13, 12:11
I've never really been a morning person, but the anxiety/depression symptoms sure do get me down in the mornings. Intellectually, I know that they will get better and that I can have a good day. Emotionally, my anxiety keeps trying to take over. Nausea, headache, chest discomfort, heavy arms, anxiety and restlessness. Some mornings they are better and some mornings they seem to hit with a vengeance.
Monday mornings are always bad. I guess it's the back to work scenario.
Beginningnof my 3rd week on citalopram and yes, I can feel it's helping somewhat. I'm not nearly as anxious as I was and I haven't had a full blown panic attack in over a week. I'm just so absolutely exhausted waking up feeling this way. My irrational self says that this will never end. My rational self says to reach out for help, so that is what I'm doing. Words of encouragement and success stories needed.

04-11-13, 12:26
It's well known that anxiety can be worse in the mornings, I'm not exactly sure why but there are several important things to take into account:

- low blood sugar (are you skipping breakfast)
- poor quality of sleep (do you snore or grind your teeth)
- not sleeping long enough (going to bed at a decent time)
- paychological factors (expecting to feel bad, focusing too much on your body, worrying about the day ahead)

04-11-13, 12:29
Hi HoneyLove. Thanks for the information. In my case, it's probably the psychological factors. Expecting to feel bad and worrying about my health and financial things. I woke up this morning early and those were the thoughts that popped into my overloaded brain.

04-11-13, 12:51
I find I have the same issues in the morning, it seems like the second I wake up I do a body scan to be sure everything is alright, and never fails, I find something "off" and get all worked up!
I told my husband the other day that I wish just once I could wake up excited to start the day, sit outside and have my coffee and just be normal :(

04-11-13, 12:56
I sure understand Amandala, half of the time I don't even know what I'm thinking that brings it on. It just feels like a pattern that has become spontaneous. I would love to wake up joyful, ready to start my day. My journal sounds like a broken record, with a litany of complaints.even I'm tired of my complaining.