View Full Version : cant exept?

04-11-13, 12:36
hi as you can see ive been posting on here a lot lately as not coping very well with my anxiety. and just want to ask anyone for some advice as for some reason I cannot get my brain to exept that what im feeling its only anxiety as I tell myself everyday that im fine and its only anxiety and cant harm me or kill me but my brain just wont exept it. I am scared of the feeling of being anxiouse and but I do try to just get on with things like doing my house work and go for walk etc but i still feel scared to do it for some reason. I just don't know why I my mind wont exept it for wat it is and maybe im not trying hard enough or im doing it all wrong or maybe im too scared to let go of the anxiety I just don't know. maybe some one on here can advise me if they can sorry for posting yet again

Daisy Sue
04-11-13, 12:41
Hi Tricia, I also had a hard time believing it was 'only anxiety', in fact I argued with my CBT therapist for weeks. lol.

It helped me to learn what the physical chain of events during a panic attack were, why I was feeling how I did etc... I've just found this link - it might help you too.


04-11-13, 13:14
hi thk you very much daisey I will have a look at the link m starting cbt next week so maybe that will help me. so thank you once again

Daisy Sue
04-11-13, 13:16
You're welcome, good luck :)

04-11-13, 13:22
That's a great description Daisy!!!!:)

04-11-13, 13:32
I think that's the main problem with anxiety. You just can't get your brain to accept that it's anxiety, and it's extremely difficult to change those thought processes. I've had three CBT sessions and so far my brain simply will not register the information,nor ingest it or even try. It's very very difficult isn't it? I've tried reading books, cbt, meditation.... I'm aware that I've obviously got anxiety and I know nothing is going to happen, yet my brain will just not respond. Totally know where you're coming from here.xx