View Full Version : Any advice please?

04-11-13, 13:36

So recently i have been having problems, huge problems with HA. I am currently on citalopram 20mg and I think i am on day 42. I started to feel ok about two weeks ago, but the past few days I've felt awful. I keep getting dizzy spells and feeling nauseous at work. And i've been off work loads recently because of this so i have to get through it at work and it's hard to concentrate. I have eaten plenty so it's not down to that. I feel really weak as well. I know i shouldn't look at google but the symptoms showing are dangerous and should seek immediate medical attention. So i'm not doing myself any favours.

I just think by now i should start feeling normal again. Should i speak to my gp and ask for CBT? As my girlfriend says i should. I think my doc would just try and up my dose and i don't think thats a good idea?

Any help or advice please?

04-11-13, 15:44

I suffer the same thing. I am obsessed with googling my symptoms, which then makes me worse, if I have a headache I Google and seem to think I have a brain tumour, but this is every week I am searching the internet for different illnesses and symptoms. it drives me crazy and causes me to have panic attacks, my boyfriend took me to see my GP and he has now referred me to mental health as it may be a condition called health anxiety (hypochondriac) if I was you I would go back and explain that this is effecting your life, and you would like to be referred for higher help. I totally understand how you feel, it is so worrying and distressing!