View Full Version : Low Ferritin level - all other iron related results normal

04-11-13, 17:33
I had the CBC results that came back last week Tuesday. I called the doctor and her assistant told me that all is normal. I got the copy of the report and noticed that Ferritin level was 10 while normal range was starting from 20 onwards. I went to the doctor today and discussed the outcome. She mentioned that HB , Transferrin, total iron binding capacity , Platelets , red blood cells are all OK so Ferritin being low could be due to heavy monthly cycle which i do have. She did give me Ferrogradumet tablets for iron and asked to use it for three months and NOT to worry as she knows I have health anxiety.
I came out of the surgery and googled Ferritin low levels and saw internal bleeding or colon cancer being the potential causes. I was so frightened. I even spent money to ask an online doctor who did give answers very well that in women the cause is usually the heavy period. I asked him about colon cancer and internal bleeding to which he said I could get my stool tested if I wanted but I dont want that as my GP didnt suggest it then why should I go that far? The brain of a HA person works very complicated. I need alot of reassurances...... Its frustrating. I have recently finished xanax slow taper to get rid of it and am giong through its withdrawal symptoms too. I had dizzy spells last Friday and now I am thinking it could be a result of Ferritin being low. I have heave period every month so why now but then I was never checked like this extensive before as I didnt have HA before being on xanax.
Can someone here relate to the low Ferritin level and other iron levels being totally normal. Is this something to worry about???
Thank you.

04-11-13, 18:38
Can someone here relate to the low Ferritin level and other iron levels being totally normal. Is this something to worry about???
Thank you.

Your doctor already told you that you had nothing to worry about, and gave the very logical explanation of your heavy periods. We are not doctors here, so no one here will be able to tell you anything except to trust your GP and not the Internet/Google!

Apart from Xanax have you gotten any other help with your anxiety levels?

04-11-13, 19:20
I had the CBC results that came back last week Tuesday. I called the doctor and her assistant told me that all is normal. I got the copy of the report and noticed that Ferritin level was 10 while normal range was starting from 20 onwards. I went to the doctor today and discussed the outcome. She mentioned that HB , Transferrin, total iron binding capacity , Platelets , red blood cells are all OK so Ferritin being low could be due to heavy monthly cycle which i do have. She did give me Ferrogradumet tablets for iron and asked to use it for three months and NOT to worry as she knows I have health anxiety.
I came out of the surgery and googled Ferritin low levels and saw internal bleeding or colon cancer being the potential causes. I was so frightened. I even spent money to ask an online doctor who did give answers very well that in women the cause is usually the heavy period. I asked him about colon cancer and internal bleeding to which he said I could get my stool tested if I wanted but I dont want that as my GP didnt suggest it then why should I go that far? The brain of a HA person works very complicated. I need alot of reassurances...... Its frustrating. I have recently finished xanax slow taper to get rid of it and am giong through its withdrawal symptoms too. I had dizzy spells last Friday and now I am thinking it could be a result of Ferritin being low. I have heave period every month so why now but then I was never checked like this extensive before as I didnt have HA before being on xanax.
Can someone here relate to the low Ferritin level and other iron levels being totally normal. Is this something to worry about???
Thank you.

Hello, yes, I have/had this too. Low ferritin levels but not actually anaemic. My doctor was completely unworried and said in her opinion the majority of women who are menstruating probably have low ferritin levels, it's just that unless they're causing symptoms, or you have blood tests for some other reason, you wouldn't usually know (and often they don't cause symptoms, maybe beyond a bit of tiredness that a lot of people would barely notice). She said all this before she even asked me if my periods were particularly heavy, so I think low iron is a possibility even for women whose periods aren't excessively heavy, especially if your diet isn't particularly rich in iron. If you also have heavy periods then it makes sense that over the years your ferritin levels would have gone down. She said anything more serious would tend to (a) show more symptoms (e.g. if you were having internal bleeding as a result of some stomach issue, you'd be able to tell from your stools and you'd probably have pain as well, and (b) tend to show as full on anaemia rather than just low ferritin. My levels were apparently really quite low but she just suggested a 'gentle' liquid iron supplement, increasing dietary iron, and going on the pill to lighten my periods.

04-11-13, 19:36
I've had much the same experience. My ferratin was 25 so lower end of normal and been taking tablets since. No reason given just need to get my levels checked again next month.

04-11-13, 19:43
Thank you Elmica. I did feel tired lately since my recent period which just ended few days back and I started feeling tired, I wanted to sleep alot and had light headed feeling, dizziness but it was all after the blood results and after the period. I thought the dizziness etc was due to the withdrawal from xanax. My period have been heavy for quite a while now. Its strange though that the symptoms only showed after the recent period . Yes my GP also said that I am not anaemic as my other levels are all ok especially HB. GP also said the iron tablet she gave would change the stool and urine colour. At the end of Jan, she wants to check the iron again. This tablet can be hard on the tummy , any idea what to do for that. I am taking it after the meals.
Around anything more serious , I know its a gross question but what can one see in the stool? Also the pain, where does one feel the pain??

04-11-13, 19:46
I started on two tablets. One before breakfast with orange juice and one before evening meal but had to drop down to just one because they were upsetting my tummy too much. I'm going to finish my course and then move on to something like spatone which is gentler on the tummy.

04-11-13, 19:50
Mummyanxious, thanks alot, any confirmation now helps really big times......... my blood test was done purely because I have recently become health conscious because of stupid xanax . I am off the xanax now but still am suffering from its effects. This is my second CBC in three months time. In the first CBC , Ferritin wasnt checked. Just HB was checked which was exactly the same as its now.

---------- Post added at 03:50 ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 ----------

I started on two tablets. One before breakfast with orange juice and one before evening meal but had to drop down to just one because they were upsetting my tummy too much. I'm going to finish my course and then move on to something like spatone which is gentler on the tummy.

I see you are from the UK, I live in the Netherlands but am from the UK too. Please tell me what tablets did your GP give to you, I mean the name??
My GP here gave me Ferrogradumet once a day one tablet.

Where did you get the Spatone?? Boots?? Did you just buy over the counter or did talk to the GP before taking it?
I just ordered FEOSOL IRON SUPPLEMENT THERAPY CARBONYL IRON from eBay from the US. but If I can get some thing similar from the UK, I will ask my sister to buy it and send it to me tomorrow already.

04-11-13, 19:55
Mine was checked specifically because I was very tired. Feeling a bit better now though after a month of tablets but still getting tired spells. But I too have just finished my period so it may taper off again. If you find then especially hard on your tummy you can ask for a different type. I had the runs when I was taking two, but taking one my toilet trips are back to normal. I had terrible indigestion and reflux on two tablets though so just have one in the morning now as I don't notice it as much in the day. Good luck

---------- Post added at 19:52 ---------- Previous post was at 19:52 ----------

Spatone is usually buy three pay for two in boots yes.

---------- Post added at 19:53 ---------- Previous post was at 19:52 ----------

And my tablets are ferrus sulphate.

---------- Post added at 19:55 ---------- Previous post was at 19:53 ----------

I took two spatone sachets a day when I was pregnant. Think its recommended one sachet a day for non pregnant people

04-11-13, 19:59
For how long are you supposed to take the tablets?? mine are for three months. Well I just began today. And It read that if its hard on the tummy, I should take it after meal which I did. I have to take one tablet a day anyway. Lets see how it goes. I will ask my sister to send the Spatone . Thanks so much . Did you \ do you also feel dizzy or light headed?

04-11-13, 20:10
Yes I felt light headed on standing. That's gotten better. Lowish blood pressure too.

I've got to take mine for three months but I'm nearly at the end of my first box now and am going to switch to the spatone as my tummy just doesn't like them :( thought I would ride the first box out to the end though. Liquid iron is supposed to be better absorbed as well.

04-11-13, 20:21
Yes I felt light headed on standing. That's gotten better. Lowish blood pressure too.

I've got to take mine for three months but I'm nearly at the end of my first box now and am going to switch to the spatone as my tummy just doesn't like them :( thought I would ride the first box out to the end though. Liquid iron is supposed to be better absorbed as well.

Is your GP ok with you starting with Spatone? I would indeed start something thats gentle on the tummy . I will use the tablets until the ones from eBay arrive , hopefully by the end of next week. I will take those to the GP and will tell her that I am switching. I am hoping I dont get the tummy issues with the ones I am taking now.

04-11-13, 20:47
They aren't very supportive of it no. I did ask for a liquid formula but they were very reluctant to give it me, preferring the tablets. Might get some more tablets, hmmm not sure what to do as I'd like my tummy to calm down

04-11-13, 20:50
Have you tried to take the tablets after meals though? Like half an hour to an hour after meal?? And not like in the morning but after lunch??

04-11-13, 22:21
I've had low ferritin levels for 9 years. My level is now at 8! Optimum is around 50 so I'm on iron and will be for a while.

Mine is due to heavy monthly periods but I've been on the pill over a year and my ferritin still drops. I'm not worried. You shouldn't be either as your full bloods were normal which us very reassuring. It's very common in women so don't worry x

04-11-13, 22:42
Not not taken after, as I thought it said the iron can;t be absorbed as well after food.

05-11-13, 02:59
check out feramax.com
not sure what countries it is available in. i live in Canada and this is what my doctor told me to take. you can buy it over the counter here.
i have taken other iron supplements in the past but they hurt my stomach and also caused constipation. this one claims not to do these things and i don't even feel any different after taking it.
my ferritin went from 15 in march 2012 to 38 in october 2012 - and that is with not even taking it faithfully every day.

also, i think i mentioned in another thread that 10 years ago or so my ferritin level was 8 and even at that my gp was not overly concerned.

and yes if you are having periods, especially heavy ones that would almost certainly be the cause. i believe that is the cause for me.

also, not sure how old you are but i am getting into the perimenopause state where all kinds of crazy symptoms can happen :)

05-11-13, 08:11
Not not taken after, as I thought it said the iron can;t be absorbed as well after food.

On my box, its clearly written to take it after meal if you encounter stomach issues. I slept OK but woke up with anxiety. Also I have read to take it along with Vit C for better absorption so I take the iron after breakfast and then take Vit C 1000 . Also its stated to take it with plenty of water. I drink alot of water any way so that's not a problem. After encountering my recent dizzy spells and tiredness, I might just bite it through with these pills and save the others that I have ordered from eBay OR it really depends how my stomach reacts. I think I wouldnt have constipation but more of the opposite ... grrrr as experienced this morning already.

---------- Post added at 16:08 ---------- Previous post was at 16:07 ----------

I've had low ferritin levels for 9 years. My level is now at 8! Optimum is around 50 so I'm on iron and will be for a while.

Mine is due to heavy monthly periods but I've been on the pill over a year and my ferritin still drops. I'm not worried. You shouldn't be either as your full bloods were normal which us very reassuring. It's very common in women so don't worry x

Thanks a ton!!! any reassurance helps....

---------- Post added at 16:11 ---------- Previous post was at 16:08 ----------

check out feramax.com
not sure what countries it is available in. i live in Canada and this is what my doctor told me to take. you can buy it over the counter here.
i have taken other iron supplements in the past but they hurt my stomach and also caused constipation. this one claims not to do these things and i don't even feel any different after taking it.
my ferritin went from 15 in march 2012 to 38 in october 2012 - and that is with not even taking it faithfully every day.

also, i think i mentioned in another thread that 10 years ago or so my ferritin level was 8 and even at that my gp was not overly concerned.

and yes if you are having periods, especially heavy ones that would almost certainly be the cause. i believe that is the cause for me.

also, not sure how old you are but i am getting into the perimenopause state where all kinds of crazy symptoms can happen :)

I am 35. I think nobody would have noticed it . Its just that because of my HA, I requested a CBC and my GP went for a really detailed one. Not sure why.
At the same time, right after my recent period, I felt light headed and tired like anything. I thought its withdrawal symptoms from finishing off xanax which has been awful but then the blood results came and I saw that all other values were OK except for Ferritin being low.