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View Full Version : Waiting for ovarian cyst surgery, scared!

04-11-13, 17:41
Hey guys! I'm a newbie to the site but I just wondered if any of you have had a similar experience and can share a bit of advice.
I have been a long term sufferer of General Anxiety Disorder and with years of self-help and a brief spell of CBT, I've learnt to keep the panic at a manageable level!.
I had been suffering with period like cramps for a year or so, nothing too painful but visited the doc on my boyfriend's insistence. I was referred for a scan and they found a 13cm x 10cm x 8cm simple cyst on my left ovary. Needless to say my consultant recommended surgery and I was booked in very quickly and am due to have a laparoscopy on the 16th Nov.
I had no previous worries, having taken the pain in my stride but since diagnosis I have had constant anxiety, really bad bloating, trapped wind :( and worse pain. I am both terrified of the surgery (being put to sleep my worst fear! :scared15:) and scared stiff that my new symptoms mean it might burst or something terrible. The panic attacks I had learnt to control are now plaguing me at night, keeping me awake and the wind and pain are just making it worse and worse. If any of you guys, experienced something similar, I'd love some positive feedback. Thanks.

04-11-13, 18:41
I've had a few ops and whilst I can't say as I've ever skipped into the room declaring 'come on guys, knock me out, take your best shot' I have managed to lay down and let the professionals do their job ... albeit tinged with nerves etc.

Bloating - anxiety can cause bloating, wind, farting, nausea/sickness, dry mouth, back ache, belly ache, headache and so on and so on. It sounds like you're winding yourself up into a stew to be honest (understandable, no judgement here) and perhaps you just need to have a chat with your doctor for reassurance?

You know you have a cyst. Your medical team know you have a cyst. Once you've got it sorted have another look at conquering your other health issue - the health anxiety.

I'm sure you're going to be fine. Probably a bit sore after but fine :hugs:

04-11-13, 23:52
Thanks for the reply! I know I sound like a moaning idiot and I think at least 70% of me knows that the majority of my probs are caused my head. It's that little niggling bit somewhere in the back of my mind that goes "What if it's not" or "what if you wake up" or "what if you don't" and then does a comedy evil laugh to itself. It can be so frustrating to feel like you've conquered it and then it comes back.

Daisy Sue
05-11-13, 00:51
Hiya.. I've had a cyst removed, and they had to take my ovary too, as the cyst was big & surrounding the ovary. Honestly, you'll be fine - if there was any danger with your cyst, such as threat of it bursting etc., they'd have you in sooner - mine was discovered during a routine pelvic scan, and I was booked in for emergency surgery the next day. Keep in mind they called yours a 'simple cyst'.

And regarding the general anaesthetic, just try to trust the medical staff there. They do thousands of surgical procedures month in, month out, and the anesthetists are wonderful.. they come round and talk to you beforehand, and you can tell them any worries you have, no matter how insignificant or silly you think they sound.

Good luck :)

05-11-13, 12:30
Thanks, that's a great help :D. Did they manage it with keyhole or open? What was your recovery time like? I had a job interview today and I bet it just my luck they end up doing open and I lose my job opportunity!

05-11-13, 17:51
I have had keyhole surgery for ovarian cysts, I was also terrified as I had never had surgery before this. However like Daisy Sue, the anesthetist came around to see me and talk through any concerns and the surgical team were very reassuring as I floated away with the anesthetics I came around an hour later with a nurse at my bed checking I was ok she then took me to see my partner. The staff will be just as wonderful I am sure as they get you sorted and if you explain to them that you are nervous they will be with you every step of the way looking after you. I was ready to work 1 week later with pain killers in tow :] hope this has been helpful.

05-11-13, 22:08
Thank you so much for your reply. Yes it was very helpful, to hear other people's stories being positive, sometimes the internet can just be the worst place to go when you're worried about stuff like this. What a great lot you are! I got a new job today and I am just raring to go now. Feeling strong for my surgery and trying to keep my head up and think of the future. Thanks for the support! x

Daisy Sue
05-11-13, 23:03
Thanks, that's a great help :D. Did they manage it with keyhole or open? What was your recovery time like? I had a job interview today and I bet it just my luck they end up doing open and I lose my job opportunity!

Unfortunately I'm not a candidate for keyhole surgery, due to past abdo operations, so I had to have the full laparotomy.. I think I was in hospital for around 6 days, and couldn't drive for 6 weeks, but I recovered well.

If keyhole is offered to you, I'd recommend taking it - as Cantmaketoast said, everything's quicker afterwards, you go home sooner, and there's less outer healing to cope with so the initial pain subsides quicker.

Well done on the new job :)