View Full Version : Not well anxious

04-11-13, 17:47
Hi, the last day or 2 I have been off colour shivery, achy, bit of a cough and a sore chest I usually don't get any medicines and put up with it but as my as my anxiety has been ok lately thought I'd try something so got lemsip cough mixture I has 2 doses at 12 o'clock and a next 2 at four and read on the leaflet one of the ingredients could have a delayed reaction so now I'm starting to worry stupid arnt I I mean its only cough mixture but this anxiety playin up there was me being brave getting medicine :/ hate bein not well

04-11-13, 18:36
Rach first of all Lemsip will not finish you off and second ... once you're better start thinking about ways to heal yourself of your anxiety disorder. Once your mental health is as it should be all the little worries and intrusive, scary thoughts will go away.

You'll be fine :hugs: