View Full Version : Twitch obsession

04-11-13, 17:50
Hi all

Please help me with my twitch fear!!
It's everywhere!
I notice it when still or slowly moving!
Feet thigh arm shoulder etc etc

ALS fear taking over!
I don't always see them sometimes they are really fine


04-11-13, 17:53
I can sympathise as I to used to have this fear, I once brought a bikini and when he got on holiday I wouldn't wear it as it had a label that said ALS, honestly twitching is son common and if it were sinister it happens at the end of the disease you certainly wouldn't be functioning , look up benign fasiculation syndrome x

04-11-13, 17:53
I can totally relate! I've had a twitch in my eye for 3 weeks! now i get them everywhere! I think it's cause im thinking about it now! Stress is a trigger, so because your stressing about them your making them worse. Its a viscous circle :(

04-11-13, 17:59
I hate them!! I don't think I'm stressed but they are still there: coming and going! Although arch of foot so annoying as more constant ��

04-11-13, 21:21
I can totally relate to what you're going through. A couple of years ago I was twitching all the time, everywhere! And it had been going on for a while. The thing that scared me the most was that at one point, my thumb twitched for 2 weeks straight. And I'm not talking coming and going kind of twitch, it was constant. I was so scared. Kept bugging the doctors, but they didn't seem concerned and told me it would go away. I didn't believe them, but eventually it did :)

I still do get twitches, but nowhere near as much as I used to. But I know that when my anxiety is at its highest, the twitches are worse. And I don't mean at the exact moment I'm worrying about something, but even days afterwards. I think that after being in a high state of anxiety, your body takes a while to recover. Just because you feel calm, it doesn't mean that your body isn't still dealing with the effects of stress. At least that's the conclusion I've come to anyway :)