View Full Version : Please read!

04-11-13, 17:58
These two posts are truly inspirational, uplifting and informative. For all here suffering from HA and anxiety in general, they're well worth the read.

May you all find the strength within to battle your beast!



Positive thoughts and prayers!

04-11-13, 18:15
Fishman ... :yesyes:

04-11-13, 18:17
Oh my word. To be recommended by a fellow this inspirational is more flattering than one can say. Thank you fishmanpa, so much.

Off to read Andria's post

04-11-13, 19:00
Ooh made the FishmanPA hall of fame.......:ohmy:

*note to self, must work harder :)

04-11-13, 19:07
Ooh made the FishmanPA hall of fame.......:ohmy:

*note to self, must work harder :)

Ha... the Fishmnapa hall of fame... I like it :)

I just really want to see everyone get better and when I see someone like Andria and Katesa take the bull by the horns like they have it just brings a big smile to my face. And then to come on the boards and post positive things and encourage others is even better! I'd love to see everyone be inspired enough to do the same.

04-11-13, 19:36
Ooh made the FishmanPA hall of fame.......:ohmy:

*note to self, must work harder :)

It happens when you reach +100 awesome points.

I'd like to think that anyway.

04-11-13, 20:15
I wonder how many folks take on board the message, you know?

Ok, I know the journey is different for each of us (recovery specifically because of the variety of underlying factors that can be present) but I still think that turning around and facing into the wind is better than trying to stay upright with your back to it.

Give me a cure for anxiety and I'm running with it.

I'd much rather live whole than live in a ... hole :D

04-11-13, 20:25
I know what you're saying Andrea and I think the answer to "How many people take on board the message" is....well, not that many. Not today.

BUT I do know that reading posts by Fishmanpa and Skippy (who I don't see around as much these days) were a direct influence on me going from just thinking about getting better to actually doing some real work to get better. I think a lot of people are at the "thinking about thinking about getting better" stage at the moment. But soon, they'll move in to "thinking about getting better" and THEN other peoples support will help them make the move into "doing".

Hope that makes sense.

04-11-13, 20:32
I just wish folks could see the real issue. Or maybe not see, acknowledge it. So much unnecessary fear and worry ... :weep:

04-11-13, 20:40
I think that, to an extent, they do, otherwise they wouldn't be posting here.

I think many are at the "OK, I know I have health anxiety and worry too much about my health BUTTTTT I have **insert issues of the week** and I don't think it's in my head because I've researched and google thinks I'm dying but nobody will listen because I have anxiety" phase (not a medical term).

I remember it well.

04-11-13, 20:47
It happens when you reach +100 awesome points.

I'd like to think that anyway.

How do you qualify? I am sure I have spotted at least 30 duffers.

04-11-13, 20:52
There's also an issue with feeding your anxiety with too much reassurance and or coddling. I've noticed that reassurance in many cases just exasperates the issue and often times the reassurance and/or logic is totally ignored as the sufferer has blinders on anyway.

Sometimes it takes a cyber slap upside the head to get someone to open their eyes to the real issue. I know it's not easy. I've suffered from depression in my life and sought treatment (therapy and meds) and it wasn't easy at all to face some of the underlying issues but it was worth it. HA is an illness just like any other and you have to treat it or it will take your life away in the sense that living with the kind of fear I see on these boards is not living in my opinion.

And I do know fear... believe me... I've faced it (and still do) several times and it's no fun, but by facing it and overcoming it we become stronger. The stronger we become, the better our lives become as well.

04-11-13, 20:58
There's also an issue with feeding your anxiety with too much reassurance and or coddling. I've noticed that reassurance in many cases just exasperates the issue and often times the reassurance and/or logic is totally ignored as the sufferer has blinders on anyway.

Sometimes it takes a cyber slap upside the head to get someone to open their eyes to the real issue. I know it's not easy. I've suffered from depression in my life and sought treatment (therapy and meds) and it wasn't easy at all to face some of the underlying issues but it was worth it. HA is an illness just like any other and you have to treat it or it will take your life away in the sense that living with the kind of fear I see on these boards is not living in my opinion.

And I do know fear... believe me... I've faced it (and still do) several times and it's no fun, but by facing it and overcoming it we become stronger. The stronger we become, the better our lives become as well.

Well put. This is part of the reason I took a break from this board (and will do so again after tonight). I was getting frustrated, despite being a fellow sufferer and having empathy. It did give me a bit of insight in to what my poor hubby had to deal with with me though!

CP - you trollin' me bro?

04-11-13, 21:10
Fishman you just keep on dripping that awesomeness because I am trying to catch me some :D

Kate maybe CP just be a hater :roflmao:

04-11-13, 21:10
Well put. It did give me a bit of insight in to what my poor hubby had to deal with with me though!

Same here! Gave me an outsiders view of what it's like to deal with someone being so irrational, and oddly helped me a lot!

04-11-13, 21:11
Well put. This is part of the reason I took a break from this board (and will do so again after tonight). I was getting frustrated, despite being a fellow sufferer and having empathy. It did give me a bit of insight in to what my poor hubby had to deal with with me though!

CP - you trollin' me bro?

Possibly :noangel:

I have to agree. I have also had a week away from this board which was harder than you might imagine as it had become something of a crutch and a reflex response to feeling anxious.

Also I have met and spoken to some lovely people on here and also read some phenomenally inspirational things. I am utterly determined to avoid doing two things, firstly I won't come on here and ask for reassurance any more. It doesn't work, and besides none of you folk are qualified anyway ;)

Secondly I am not going to offer reassurance (mainly because I am not qualified) other than to try and remind people why they are posting on a health anxiety forum, because at some level at least there is an acknowledgement that anxiety is a key part of the problem.

I hope in time Katie that you feel able to come back here from a recovered point of view. This forum like almost any other health related forum attracts people who are not doing so well with their anxiety and so you end up with a forum where people who are not doing so well, are trying to support others who are not doing so well themselves. A forum like this needs more people like you, Fishmanpa, Skippy, Andria and Honey. Otherwise posts just create an impression of people trapped in anxiety as those who are no longer in that place move on. Unfortunately there isn't much of a call for www.iamdoingjustfinethankyouverymuch.com.

04-11-13, 21:15
Oooooo well put/said CP. I agree on all points and your perspective is well rounded. Here's hoping that you find your way back to the shore along side us :D

04-11-13, 21:16
Possibly :noangel:

I have to agree. I have also had a week away from this board which was harder than you might imagine as it had become something of a crutch and a reflex response to feeling anxious.

Also I have met and spoken to some lovely people on here and also read some phenomenally inspirational things. I am utterly determined to avoid doing two things, firstly I won't come on here and ask for reassurance any more. It doesn't work, and besides none of you folk are qualified anyway ;)

Secondly I am not going to offer reassurance (mainly because I am not qualified) other than to try and remind people why they are posting on a health anxiety forum, because at some level at least there is an acknowledgement that anxiety is a key part of the problem.

I hope in time Katie that you feel able to come back here from a recovered point of view. This forum like almost any other health related forum attracts people who are not doing so well with their anxiety and so you end up with a forum where people who are not doing so well, are trying to support others who are not doing so well themselves. A forum like this needs more people like you, Fishmanpa, Skippy, Andria and Honey. Otherwise posts just create an impression of people trapped in anxiety as those who are no longer in that place move on. Unfortunately there isn't much of a call for www.iamdoingjustfinethankyouverymuch.com.

Oh I totally understand what you mean and the problem was mine. But I was getting close to going beyond what the 'Pa calls a cyber slap upside the head and close to a full blown tantrum which wouldn't be fair on people who are already feeling awful.

It's nice popping back and updating myself on how everyone is doing tonight though. And I'll be asking you for holiday stories tomorrow Sir

04-11-13, 21:18
I am on my way Andria. I think my problem is that I have a rather perfect image of the shore that I am aiming for and that probably doesn't exist. Where I am seeing golden sands and palm trees maybe I need to accept that life needs to accommodate a rocky beach with the odd dog poo :)

---------- Post added at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 21:17 ----------

Ooh and Kate I just noticed I too have 100+ awesome posts yay for me :)

04-11-13, 21:59
CP what are awesome posts? Do we have the bloody awful 'like' mentality fom Facebonk?

As for my beach ... it has white sand, dunes, my fat Portugeezer husband (I quite like him you know) and Barry Manilow mashing it down on the old joanna ... singing Copacabana on helium.

And if my dog Boo will quit burying toys and sticks on my bed, she can be on my beach too.

04-11-13, 22:36
life needs to accommodate a rocky beach with the odd dog poo :)

Hey CP... aren't a lot of the beaches in GB pretty rocky? If so... a trip to the Bahamas or Virgin Islands is in order for you!