View Full Version : Hello everyone *shy wave*

04-11-13, 19:09
*tiptoes quietly in*

Hello everybody, I just thought I would introduce myself. I'm 24 and from the UK. I was diagnosed with anxiety and severe depression last month having been suffering for a long time - I eventually went to the doctor because I had basically stopped functioning at all and could see no other option. I also have pretty bad social anxiety, which doesn't make life any easier.
The doctor put me on sertraline, which I have been taking for the last 3 and a half weeks... I do not think it has had much effect yet but I am holding out hope - at least the side effects have settled down now.

So, greetings, nice to meet you. Quick, I should post this before I get too anxious and run away :)

04-11-13, 19:12
Hi Stella, I tiptoed in as well when I joined the forum! It's full of help and support and I just wanted to :welcome: you. x

04-11-13, 19:13
Hi :welcome:

04-11-13, 19:26
:welcome:you will find lots of help and support here

04-11-13, 22:08
Welcome to the forums Stella. I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :) Hopefully you will start to feel better soon. 3 and a half weeks is still early days for meds.

04-11-13, 22:16
Don't b anxious here Stella. Everyone is so lovely. U are among friends now.
I look forward to seeing u around :-)

05-11-13, 17:28
Hi Stella. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

05-11-13, 17:33

05-11-13, 17:38
Hi :welcome:

06-11-13, 10:46
Thank you everybody for your kind welcome. This seems like a lovely place :)

07-11-13, 21:33
Thank you everybody for your kind welcome. This seems like a lovely place :)

It really is :)