View Full Version : I need some strengh

04-11-13, 19:39
Hello anyone listening,

I would appreciate if anyone could tell me if they have or have ever had derealisation 24/7. Im really starting to think my brain has re/wired itself and wont go back. Im need some strengh to fight this .


04-11-13, 22:07
In the past, I've had derealisation 24/7. Sometimes it has lasted for weeks and I also had the feeling that I would never go back to normal again, which of course would make me feel even worse. Thankfully, I always have got back to normal eventually. Derealisation is a common symptom of anxiety. Sadly when I was younger I didn't understand what was happening to me or why, which made the fear worse.

04-11-13, 22:09
Thank you x I've had my symptoms 6 weeks now . I don't feel particulary anxious about anything apart from the DP?DR

04-11-13, 22:40
Yep , shocking comes in fits & jurks!

I'm 9 months pregnant & had bad experience last baby labour, I'm in bits I'm in a right state, just can not stop thinking this birth gonna be same if not worse & death or baby unwell? got family issues also ( read my stats if u fancey )then to add insult to injury - DP,DR!

I need the strength of God at the moment quite literally , even thinking I'm seriously gonna start preying - I'm desperate.:hugs:

04-11-13, 23:47
I have had full blown depersonalization as well as derealization for the past 14-15 years. I will say that realizing and acknowledging this is the first step in dealing with it.

It is not impossible to live with as long as you draw some artificial "boundaries" for essential events (and people) and set some reactions that have to be followed at all costs even when you do not feel like doing them.

In my case, there was no support from ppl around me. But still I managed to steer through pretty well I think.

So you see, even the worst case scenario is not so bad! :)

As far as strength is concerned, I will say there are a hundred ways to strength. Each person is wired differently depending on their life-context and can gain strength from a wide variety of things.

When you think about it, there is lot, lot, lot to live for even if at present the world does not seem to care.

Its my first ever reply in this forum so plz excuse any etiquette blunders!


04-11-13, 23:54
Hi there x

Do you think its possible to recover from DP/DR ?


05-11-13, 00:04
Yes, it is possible to recover under the right condition/s, event/s. I have recovered for considerable periods but unfortunately slowly relapsed due to surrounding circumstances.

No reason why you can't recover and stay out of it!