View Full Version : Longest you have had an earworm?

04-11-13, 19:44
The reason I posted it here is because I am at my height of anxiousness at this point all over.

My question to anyone out there is what is the longest time you've had an earworm for? Currently, if you saw my other post about my latest earworm, mine is intermittently for 1 year. But, now it's here to stay and not going anywhere this time. Causing me extreme distress, anxiety, sleepless nights, cognitive decline, and even some weight loss. It has literally buried itself into my head and will not leave...staying in my head and thoughts even when I'm distracting myself from it. I don't want to live like this anymore. I'm sorry for my posting, but I just want to know if anyone else has had this problem. My days are literally going by faster than I can see, and are almost like a blur. I can't live normally anymore.

I was told to go to my doctor about it. But, what are they gonna do? Prescribe me anti-anxiety medication, anti-depressants, or something else that might not even work? I apologize again if I offend anyone, but the song is not going anywhere no matter what I do. My brain will never get rid of it, and I'll be stuck with it the rest of my life.

So again with my question, what's the longest you have had a SINGLE song stuck in your head...not a plethora of songs, but one single song?

I am new to this site, so forgive me if the post is not in the right section, but I am totally unhappy because of one song.

04-11-13, 23:36
It sounds like intrusive thoughts Try the medication, or try CBT. all the best

05-11-13, 11:16
I think you should see a doctor. If it's causing you distress then you need help for it. They won't just throw pills at you, they'll discuss your medical history, just to piece together what could be wrong and think what treatment plan would suit you.

05-11-13, 18:57
But, I don't get it...every other song I've had stuck in my head has gone away. And what feels scary to me, is that it almost feels like the song is waiting until I stop doing something else and then comes back to me.

It's the 7th day and I don't see it leaving anytime soon.

What am I suppose to say if I make an appointment for the doctors about this...I have a song stuck in my head help? I was researching Drug-Induced Amnesia, and lately it's been very promising. The only problem is that it literally causes total memory loss. Unfortunately I would rather lose my memory totally than live like this.

05-11-13, 19:45
Hi, you're approaching this wrong. When you try to force something out of your head, you are guaranteeing that it will stick around. Fear is the driving force behind obsessive thoughts: if you were not afraid of them, they would lose their power over you and you wouldn't especially notice them when they do occur.

You don't need drug-induced amnesia, you need to look at ways of dealing with obsessive thoughts. Once the song loses its importance - in other words you lose your fear of it - you'll find interest in other things returns. Obsessive thinking is a symptom of OCD but it also occurs in anxiety conditions if you're not diagnosable as OCD.

05-11-13, 19:50
I've never heard of this referred to as an "earworm". Interesting term for a song that gets stuck in your head.

Can't say I've had this issue in my life (and I'm a musician) although the theme to Gilligan's Island has come close a couple of times ;)

I think what PsychoPoet says makes sense. It's worth exploring.

Good Luck!

05-11-13, 22:22
Poet is right the more you try to forget something the less chance you have of forgetting it. I had a problem with intrusive thoughts for a while and thought I'd never stop thinking them but after a while I managed to let them go.

06-11-13, 10:25
PsychoPoet has it spot on.

I've always got earworms in my head, there's always at least one song in my head at any one time I've had David Bowie's Life on Mars? in my head for a few days already. I don't push it away (unless it's Justin Beiber, then I'll try), I'll either just go along with it or ignore it.

06-11-13, 22:04
I was able to just ignore it before, but now it isn't working. I have listened to every song that use to get stuck in my head before, but no luck at all. I just don't get it. I'll have a few moments of silence to myself...otherwise I'll purposely play another song in my head so the other song won't be in my head. I'm just miserable.

06-11-13, 22:24
That's because you're still focused on it. Don't let it frighten you, as it is only a song in your mind. Try to stop thinking about it, turn your mind onto something else that uses concentration. The less you become afraid and annoyed by it the quicker it will go, the more you think about it the more you feed it.

06-11-13, 23:56
While I totally agree with what you're saying...even when I'm not focused on it or worried about it - just holding a normal conversation - it's there.

I joined a suicide forum too, because this is tearing me apart. I was suppose to go to the doctor today, but I had to babysit. I have not focused on my health anxiety since then, and to be quite honest I would much rather be focusing on that than have this occurring. At least I was able to have a quiet head. :weep:

07-11-13, 11:00
If it's still distressing you then rebook an appointment to see the doctor. Don't feel you'll be judged, because these things are far more common then it seems.

07-11-13, 11:19
I was able to go to sleep again, but as soon as I woke up, there it was. I just want a moment to myself without seeing the images of the song in my head.

07-11-13, 12:06
Forums such as this are awesome and help you express yourself and get various points of view BUT, if you can't put them into practice then you need additional help. Perhaps you should speak to your doctor about what's going on and get a referral to a mental health professional.

Good Luck!