View Full Version : Trying To Breathe

04-11-13, 19:54
Sitting here at work on my computer, and all of a sudden I got a burning pain, like a deep warmth, in the left side of my chest. I felt the warmth spread up my neck and into my face.
Of course, I'm panicked, sure it's going to be a heart attack. It lasted three minutes and I tried to distract myself. Now I'm just waiting for it to come back. Need some reassurance and feedback..

Neurotic Nick
04-11-13, 23:15
Hi tanner, if you need reassurance that these are anxiety symptoms then yes they sure are ;) had the exact same a few hours ago! As for what to do: nothing. Dont react to it and jusr keep doing what you were doing. Now if you need a little breather because the symptoms are tiring you out thats ok too. Just indeed find something to distract and let it pass.
As for it coming back, it might and it might not. But youve already let it pass once so i know you can do it again!

Hope this helps!

05-11-13, 03:23
Thanks Nick. I distracted myself for a minute and went right back to work. You're so right in saying "do nothing". If I feed the fear, it only gets worse. It has ended up being a good day.

05-11-13, 11:44
If you wait for it to return then it will, because your mind is focused on it. You need to change your way of thinking so you don't wait for it to happen but accept it happened and carry on with your day.

05-11-13, 12:04
Thanks Rennie. Acceptance is something that I'm working on. It's definitely not easy but I'm working on it. Accepting HA on an intellectual level seems to be far easier that accepting on an emotional level. Intellectually, I get it. It's when I'm afraid that, of course, I have a more difficult time.
I'm working on CBT right now and trying to do or watch something each evening that makes me laugh for thirty minutes. That seems to be helping.
I will keep on trying acceptance and trying not to fight my symptoms or my anxiety.