View Full Version : Eating normally but still cant put lost weight back on

04-11-13, 20:22
So the obssession with my weight loss goes on and rules every waking moment and at intervals through the night when I wake.

Ive had my assessment and am going to be offered one to one CBT for my HA. I hope and pray that it will work as I cant go on like this.

I still cant believe that it isnt down to something sinister especially when I have been feeling so ill for so long. The gp even said I didnt look well when she saw me a couple of weeks ago.

I had full set of bloods done in May and they were normal and cancer marker blood tests done in August which were also normal. The last lot were done to put my mind at rest according to gp.

Moved home 6 weeks ago and new gp has asked if I will have bloods done again, she said because she hasnt got my records from my old gp and needs to know what my baseline bloods are but I think its because she thinks something is wrong. Im panicking about having the blood test, not because of the actual test but because Im scared of the results.

I cried myself to sleep last night and the frightening thoughts just wont go away. I know all this stress isnt helping with my health but I dont seem to be able to do anything about it.

This has been going on for 3 months now and Im panicking that I will be like this forever.

04-11-13, 20:30
Had - I have lost the best part of two stone in the last month. As much as I have HA, GAD and goodness knows what other mental health acronyms, I feel as though it's because I have no appetite, I don't eat well right now, and I'm anxiety driven.

It's possible that you have the same problem. Anyway.

You have anxiety disorder, you've exhausted yourself worrying over tests, you've just moved home so ... give yourself a break. Go see your doctor and discuss your anxiety, as that's what you need to heal :)

04-11-13, 20:37
Thanks for the reply.

But I do have an appetite, in fact Im hungry a lot of the time. I have been eating plenty for a few weeks now but cant put any weight back on in fact I could still be losing it, too scared to get on the scales. I feel so tired and weak all the time. If I had no appetite I could understand why Im losing weight.

Im really hoping the CBT will help but at the moment am convinced this is something bad and not down to anxiety.

04-11-13, 20:52
Had - there are lots of non-deadly illnesses/conditions that cause weight loss. There are probably just as many that cause weight gain. Go have a chat with your new doctor. And stressful lifestyles can cause weight loss and fatigue.

05-11-13, 09:36
It has taken me 18 months to put weight back on it was the first thing to come off me and not being a very big person in tbe first place I looked ill,when I bent over you could see every bone my arms where scrawny my boobs was just nipple I convinced myself something drastic was wrong so I continued to loose a few more or stay the same but after 18 months I've managed to get to 10stone 4lbs so my bones don't look like there about to snap any minute x

05-11-13, 09:50
I used to lose 7 pounds every time an essay deadline was coming up at university. Not because I was worried about the deadline, but because I used to work REALLY hard.

Your brain uses 75% of the glucose that goes into your body. If your brain is working overhard on all this panic and anxiety, you will be hungry and lose weight. Some people's metabolisms are like that. I'm not even one of those 'natural beanpoles' (if you know the body type I mean?), but I am naturally slim and I do tend to lose weight a lot quicker than I put it on. If you're of that type - that you were always slim anyway - it may just be that your metabolism is a bit inefficient like mine and you'll lose weight rapidly under stress, regardless of appetite, and find it difficult to regain weight. Some people really are just like that, and if the bloods are fine then so are you :)

A therapist once let me know that your body will naturally stop losing weight after a certain amount of time - you won't just starve! It will have it's own limit.

Oh, also, every doctor I have ever seen has asked for bloods and so on. I have never had HA, so to me it was a bit of an inconvenience, but I can see why you might be worried. Doctors have to be careful with anxiety symptoms, especially ones that might mimic something else, so they tend to test to be absolutely certain. It sounds like that's what your doc's doing, so you're definitely in safe hands!

05-11-13, 10:47
Thank you so much for the replies, I really appreciate it.

I did a really stupid thing this morning - I put a pair of trousers on a few weeks ago and they were quite loose so for some reason this morning I thought maybe I havent lost as much weight as I think, I'll try the trousers on again. Well they were much looser than before so definitely still losing weight.

Anyway I managed to get to gp for blood tests this morning and now have to wait for results which is the really difficult part. The nurse said they should be back by Friday and if the gp is concerned about anything they will phone but if everything is fine then they dont bother so as she said 'no news is good news'. I may phone in anyway if I dont hear anything but then of course I risk hearing the words I dread 'The doctor wants to see you' and of course then the weekend will be here so I will have to wait til next week.

Well theres nothing I can do now except wait and see but as usual my brain is telling me that it will be bad news. I think I always look at the black side thinking I will be more prepared if its bad news and also I have these silly thoughts that if I dont worry about it then Im tempting fate.

I know Im just wasting my life living like this but cant seem to do anything to change that. Just hope that waiting list isnt too long for the CBT.

05-11-13, 10:56

Sorry to hear you're still struggling :(

When I've had a blood test result that wasn't 100% normal, I did have the horrible thing of the receptionist saying the doctor would need to see me, but she also had the doctor ring me up to explain what the not-quite-normal result was. I guess your doctor knows how much you worry, so I'd *hope* they'd think of that and wouldn't just leave you hanging with just the information that 'something' wasn't quite right!

I'm sure you'll be fine, though. If the last lot were fine, and you've not had any new symptoms since then, there's no reason to think these ones won't be too. The weight loss is probably to do with anxiety - you're burning up calories with all that worrying!! Also remember that there are non-serious things that can cause weight loss, like an overactive thyroid, for instance, which is not that uncommon, not particularly sinister, and pretty treatable.

05-11-13, 12:07
Thanks emlica

Well I have an appointment with the gp on Thursday morning as she is keeping an eye on me until theres an opening for the CBT. I will tell her that the results are due in on Friday and ask if she could phone me (hopefully she will be working on Friday).

I just look so ill, Im very pale and my eyes or dull. A doctor once told me that you can actually look ill with anxiety but I guess thats another thing that I dont believe.

05-11-13, 12:11
A doctor once told me that you can actually look ill with anxiety but I guess thats another thing that I dont believe.

Think about that for a moment. If you're not feeling well for whatever reason, you don't walk around smiling and happy. It comes across as sad or ill. One can certainly work themselves into a state mentally and become pale with fear. It makes perfect sense.

Hope you feel better soon.

05-11-13, 12:14
Is your appointment Thursday afternoon? I only ask because my practice nurse once told me that at our practice the 'standard' blood results sometimes come back in 48 hrs, so they *might* even be back by the time you see your GP. I've had blood tests on a Wednesday morning and had results back by Friday afternoon. You never know!

I agree with FishmanPA, by the way - people who are stressed out often look unwell.

05-11-13, 13:18
Thanks Fishmanpa and emlica

Unfortunately appointment is at 8 50am so dont think results will be back but she does know how I struggle with HA so hopefully she will be prepared to phone me on Friday when results are in.

Thank you for the support x

05-11-13, 13:47
Ah that might be a bit too soon, yeah. Still, like you say - she knows you worry (and it's definitely worth telling her how worried you are about the results) so hopefully she'll ring you as soon as they're in and she's looked at them. I hate waiting for blood test results :(

07-11-13, 18:12
Went to gp this morning, she is seeing me every couple of weeks until CBT starts. Decided to ask her if she would phone me tomorrow with blood tests results as I panic so much over them. As soon as I walked into her room she said the tests were all fine, couldnt believe results were back as only had blood taken on tuesday.

Anyway when she asked me to have the blood tests done she told me it was purely to show my baseline results as she still doesnt have my records from previous gp. Today she admitted that she had also asked for tumour marker tests and hadnt told me as she knew I would worry even more.

So the outcome is that all the tests they did were normal and she has tried explaining to me again that the reason I have lost weight and cant put it back on even though Ive been eating well for a while is because of all my nervous energy. She said it has to get fuel from somewhere and the only place it can get it is from the calories I have consumed. So now its just a matter of trying to remember what she said, not over thinking things and acceptint that there is nothing physically wrong with me.


07-11-13, 18:18
Well, you definitely have a doctor who understands you :D

She was right, wasn't she - if she'd mentioned checking for tumour markers you'd have been a nervous wreck? Great that all the results were back though - big relief for you not to have to wait another day to find out and then have to go through the whole 'do I phone now or not?' business.

So - everything's fine. You're burning calories through nervous energy and not through anything sinister. The tests would have shown it if there was. Concentrate on that. There just *can't* be anything physically wrong. Hopefully that alone will help you calm down a bit... :)

07-11-13, 18:27
Thanks emlica, am going to do my best to accept what she said x

07-11-13, 19:53
A doctor once told me that you can actually look ill with anxiety but I guess thats another thing that I dont believe.

That is 100% true, I have had depression for 6 years now and without makeup on I look ill. I have bad acne, large grey eye bags, sickly white skin and look exhausted.

07-11-13, 20:00
Thanks KeeKee, it does help to know Im not the only one x

08-11-13, 09:17
I have been through the same thing this year adn all my bloods were normal. However, I went to see a naturopath and it turned out I had all sorts of things wrong that doctors don't test for. I lost a lot of weight and I looked sick and felt fatigued all the time. Turns out I had a toxic overload - my liver wasn't working properly, nor was my digestive system. I had an overgrowth of candida and I had parasites! So gross, but now that I've been treated for all of this I am feeling sooooo much better, plus I've changed my diet. I'm still trying to put weight on, but it's coming back slowly and my skin is so much better. I would really recommend seeing someone who knows how to treat these sorts of problems - ie not a doctor!

08-11-13, 16:27
Got virtually no sleep last night. mind just wouldnt shut off, thought I might finally get some sleep after gp visit yesterday.

Am so tired today and have been lying on sofa and of course my mind has gone into overdrive again. I have now realised that the gp didnt actually say the blood tests were fine, she actually said that she saw nothing there that alarmed her. So now Im thinking that doesnt mean the results were necessarily normal.

My rational self says she would have told me if there was anything to be concerned about but because of the fact that she didnt tell me about all the blood tests she ordered I dont feel 100% confident of that. If she didnt tell me the whole truth before then how do I know she is now.

09-11-13, 20:19
Still cant get the doctors words out of my head, its my fault for not making sure I was clear on everything before I left the surgery but it wasnt until that evening that I really thought about exactly what she had said.

Im so angry with myself because if it is the worry thats making me lose the weight then Im not going to put it back on if I carry on like this.

On top of that now every time I eat I feel like food is stuck in my throat.

I cant wait for my CBT to start but think it will be quite a wait.

10-11-13, 17:17
Another awful night last night, not sure if I should phone gp tomorrow and ask for more details on the blood test results or just try and accept that if there was anything to worry about then she would have had to tell me.

I think I made a mistake in not keeping track of my weight because now when I do pluck up the courage to step on the scales I wont know if Ive put any back on because I dont know how low I got, am just going by my clothes which are still baggy.

Still got the issue with feeling like food is stuck in my throat and also the nasty taste in my mouth and coated tongue is back, gp had given me meds for stomach acid and they seemed to be working but back as bad as ever now.

Why cant I just stop fixating on the weight loss.

12-11-13, 10:11
I have made a concerted effort the last couple of days to try and keep busy and distract as much as I can. I have been to the library and got the books that they advised me to read until I start CBT. I dont know what else I can do. Im so tired with getting about 3 hours sleep a night. Still totally fixated on not being able to gain weight and still cant stop thinking the worst. From now on when I see the gp Im going to make sure I understand exactly what she is saying before I leave otherwise these thoughts are never going to go away.

Im really trying to help myself but feel like I keep running into a wall. How do I convince myself that my symptoms are purely down to stress and nothing sinister.

12-11-13, 10:25
If we knew the answer to the last bit of your post, none of us would be here :D

My GP has said 'there's nothing that raises any concerns' with reference to blood tests before, and I said 'so does that mean they're all normal?', and she said yes. But I have a feeling you might not be able to shake the worry about it unless you ask. And by now your GP does know you worry about your health so I'm sure it won't come as a surprise if you ring up to ask for more details. The only thing is that sometimes blood results can come back as slightly less than 'perfect' in one reading or another, and it doesn't mean that there's anything to worry about. So if you do ring up to get more details, make sure you do get more details 'thoroughly' - for instance, if the GP says that one specific reading isn't bang on perfect (and quite often they aren't, and it doesn't mean anything bad!), do ask her what that means, or else you'll get off the phone and start googling!!

12-11-13, 11:37
If we knew the answer to the last bit of your post, none of us would be here :biggrin:

Thats very true emlica.

Not sure what to do really, am trying to convince myself to just accept what Ive been told and let it go. Will see how that goes.

14-11-13, 18:11
I am so near to visiting Dr Google, I have resisted until now but this is driving me mad. I just keep going over and over everything in my head, mainly what if I didnt explain how I was feeling well enough to the gp and so she didnt have all the facts. Im just going round and round in circles and dont know where to turn.:weep:

08-03-15, 13:22
So the obssession with my weight loss goes on and rules every waking moment and at intervals through the night when I wake.

Ive had my assessment and am going to be offered one to one CBT for my HA. I hope and pray that it will work as I cant go on like this.

I still cant believe that it isnt down to something sinister especially when I have been feeling so ill for so long. The gp even said I didnt look well when she saw me a couple of weeks ago.

I had full set of bloods done in May and they were normal and cancer marker blood tests done in August which were also normal. The last lot were done to put my mind at rest according to gp.

Moved home 6 weeks ago and new gp has asked if I will have bloods done again, she said because she hasnt got my records from my old gp and needs to know what my baseline bloods are but I think its because she thinks something is wrong. Im panicking about having the blood test, not because of the actual test but because Im scared of the results.

I cried myself to sleep last night and the frightening thoughts just wont go away. I know all this stress isnt helping with my health but I dont seem to be able to do anything about it.

This has been going on for 3 months now and Im panicking that I will be like this forever.

How can i get the cancer bloods done