View Full Version : scared by scan results

anx mum
04-11-13, 20:44
Me and hubby went to hospital today as over weekend felt awful with chest pains. They said xray i had was showing abnormality on lungs has really scared me now they asked if i smoked i said not much now. Ive come away with antibiotics but worried now bout having something:weep:

04-11-13, 20:45
What did they suggest? Any follow up?

04-11-13, 20:49
Anx are you dealing with your HA? You must be so down and exhausted with fear due to all the tests and worrying.

I'm sure that you were given anti biotics due to an infection, and that they asked if you were a smoker because it's standard (health) practice to ask that question. There are lots of anomalies that X-rays etc can show, and most are not deadly.

anx mum
04-11-13, 21:03
Yes im so tired of all these tests and not getting dianoigsed couldnt believe they said my xray showed an abnormality. Im fearing cancer now:weep: cos i have smoked not lately but before my kids. Thanks for your kind words i feel worn down by pain and questions over my health yeh he thought i had an infection so on antibiotics. My anx is sky high really had enough

04-11-13, 21:08
Anx - besides the meds what else did they say? Come back for more tests, or we're referring you or?

They always ask if you're a smoker. Are you being treated for the anxiety?

04-11-13, 21:09
anx mum,

I'm actually on a break from this board but just wanted to drop you a quick note while I was here.

You've had so many tests previously that anything like cancer would have been picked up. You've got an infection. They asked if you smoked because such infections are so common in anyone who has ever smoked.

Darling, you need to get some help for your anxiety. You seem a nervous, scared wreck. I bet the pains you have would be perfectly manageable if they didn't make you so scared. You are missing out on so much time, time you could be spending having fun with your children and husband or doing things you like. You HAVE to get help sweetheart. Anxiety is your main illness.

I hope your chest infection (because that is all it is) clears soon x

04-11-13, 21:09
Let me tell u if they suspected lung cancer you'd have had a ct scan that day , and I know because my step dad got rushed in with chest pain and they told him there and then they thought it was lung cancer and he had a ct scan , which showed modules , they told him 99% was cancer and also a chest infection, he had to go back for a biopsy only to be told allModules had gone and it was infection, so honestly don't worry they wouldn't just send you away with antibiotics if they were concerned x

04-11-13, 21:23
If they thought you had C, they would not be sending you home with antibiotics.

Unfortunately, it is standard and flippant medical speak to mention 'abnormality', but this does not automatically mean 'serious'.

Many year ago I had bronchitis and ended up admitted for it due to my asthma flaring up. I had a chest x-ray and they told me I had a shadow and a collapsed airway, which freaked me out big time, but it basically meant infection in the lung.

'Abnormailty' is simply a broad term meaning something you shouldn't have there, in your case meaning 'infection'. I am certain that if they suspected something else, they would not send you home none the wiser or that day.

Get well soon.

anx mum
04-11-13, 21:24
Thanks for your help, yeh do feel like im going mad my hubby took me to hospital today and didnt expect to hear there was anything was on scan so was abit shocked i think with anything i always think the worse and its got worse since i lost my mum. My anx level is sky high. I love my kids so much i guess thats why im so worried. If antibiotics clear it up its infection if not i guess further tests.

04-11-13, 21:31
T its got worse since i lost my mum......I love my kids so much i guess thats why im so worried.

I am sorry to hear about your Mum. I know what it's like to lose somebody - in truth, some of my own experiences with loss contributed massively to the health anxiety I am currently trying to recover from.

And while being a Mother is a wonderful thing for me, it's kind of scary when you have health anxiety, isn't it? To have these little beings so dependent on you, to have such a wonderful reason to live...and yet being scared, so very scared, that you wont be allowed to see them grow, that they'll have to live without your love and support......it used to keep me awake at night.

But honey, the good news is you can get better. You really really can.

This really is just a chest infection - at the absolute worst, a bit of pleurisy caused by a previous chest infection which can be painful and a pain in the ass, but nothing to worry about.

Can you get some help from your GP for your panic and anxiety issues?

anx mum
04-11-13, 21:37
Im trying too the trouble is my gp has retired so im trying to build a relationship with another doctor. My kids are my life and like u said which is true im so scared all the time fear summat will happen to me. My mum was 53 when she died and she was looking after my youngest. I miss her so much. The doc said to take antibiotics and than they will do another scan to see if infection has gone, hopefully it will have.

04-11-13, 21:44
Im trying too the trouble is my gp has retired so im trying to build a relationship with another doctor. My kids are my life and like u said which is true im so scared all the time fear summat will happen to me. My mum was 53 when she died and she was looking after my youngest. I miss her so much. The doc said to take antibiotics and than they will do another scan to see if infection has gone, hopefully it will have.

What you have to remember is, even if the infection hasn't disappeared, it will mean they need to try a different kind of antibiotic or something, not that it would be lung cancer. If they suspected that at all, they wouldn't leave it.

I totally understand what you are saying. I used to lay in bed at night, thinking about the sort of woman my husband would marry after I die, wondering if she'd be a good wife to him, whether she would be good mother to my son or treat him badly. Then I'd cry. Lots.

You don't need to build a relationship with your GP to get help hon. Just go to him and say "I am having crippling anxiety issues to do with my health and they are severely affecting my quality of life. I can not live like this". I'd even suggest printing out some of your posts here and taking them to show him.

It's up to you whether you want to go on meds, go on the waiting list for CBT or both. Your GP will be able to suggest some other things to help you. I would also strongly recommend asking for some grief counselling hon since the death of your mother is obviously still affecting you very deeply and there is help out there for you - you don't have to do it alone.

anx mum
05-11-13, 18:31
thanks katesa, i know what your saying know abit more the abnormanalityon scan showed my lungs not opening enough well left one he said maybe because of the pains i have? My mums death still is very raw and it happend nearly 8 years ago i know i need help as i still cant accept shes gone, she was more a friend than a mum thats what i miss the phonecalls the visits:weep:. My shrink wants me to go bk on my olanzapine for now see if that helps just taking every day as it comes at mo.

anx mum
06-11-13, 20:39
Hi all hope everyone is doing ok? Im suffering big time today with my health anxiety im getting sharp pains in the middle of chest for about 3 days now and its moving under both breasts since having my chest xray im scared ive got a pe again wish i didnt think bad thoughts but im so scared and worried would it be picked up by a chest xray? The pains been so bad ive been taking morphine

06-11-13, 21:12
Ohhhh Anx you must be so exhausted with all this :hugs:

Please try and get help for the anxiety. You will be so much the better for healing yourself if this debilitating illness. Hope the pains and anxiety ease for you.

anx mum
06-11-13, 21:23
I am shattered an emotinal wreck these pains are scaring me the pains have changed so much over the past few months

06-11-13, 21:29
The pains won't go until you manage the anxiety though Bev

You really need to get help for that and not more tests and scans!

anx mum
09-11-13, 12:39
Hi everyone god this is hell still getting pains in chest and my breathing dosent feel right trying to take small steps, just took my dog out which was hard. when is this gonna end

09-11-13, 13:12
And it will end when you make a very concerted effort to tackle the anxiety disorder. That is what's wrong with you, so focus on that. Hope you're feeling better :hugs:

09-11-13, 14:58
Why don't you try Robin's CBT4PANIC programme and really start tackling the anxiety head on