View Full Version : Lithium long term do I need an ECG?

04-11-13, 21:45
I have been taking lithium for about fourteen and a half years for severe recurrent depression. I have never been offered an ECG. Lithium can cause heart problems and I was wondering whether anyone has had an experience of this.i have a GP appointment next week so I can discuss it with her then but I was wondering? Usually it is done at the beginning of treatment. Sometimes I get palpitations but I am healthy and have a good BMI. EJ

05-11-13, 18:59
Hi EJ,

Noticed no-one has replied so I will.....I have no experience of Lithium but I am guessing that if you are concerned about this you could request an ECG at your Dr's appointment.


05-11-13, 19:53
I do know somebody who has been on lithium for a very long time and never had any serious heart issues. Initial palpitations when he started taking it but they quickly vanished.
As you will know i think you have more chance of thyroid problems with lithium. Serious heart issues seem to be rare.
Ask for a ECG for sure, put your mind at ease.

05-11-13, 21:57
Thank you both for replying. My thyroid function is checked every three months and my blood test is due soon. I will ask my GP whether I can have an ECG. EJ.

05-11-13, 23:05
I've asked a psychiatrist about this thing. (I'm on lithium) He said not to worry as even though you may have the slight chance of having this happen to you it is only a minor electrical function that is made worse and would return to normal if you would discontinue lithium.

Personally I wouldn't assume that something is wrong with your heart if you're not basing it on anything. Best of luck.

13-01-14, 13:51
Hi an update to my thread. I am still taking lithium 1,000mg and I have asked my GP for an ECG. I am hoping that it will be normal. This should take place on 20th January. In some areas routine ECGs are available for lithium patients. I was told that only patients on lamotrigine get them regularly. EJ

02-02-14, 21:22
Hi update: I had my ECG and the result was normal. Lithium levels are constant at 0.75 so I'm happy about that. EJ