View Full Version : What have you done today?

04-11-13, 23:33
Given that most of us on here believe that we're going to die of a horrible illness very soon, what have you done today? Have you made the most of your day? Have you simply gone through the motions? Have you been feeling rough and been crippled by your HA?

Tell me what you've done with your day, and what you intend to do with tomorrow.

04-11-13, 23:56
Not at all, but your response was.

05-11-13, 09:03
I went Christmas shopping, had a nice lunch out, worked in the afternoon, had dinner, set off some fireworks for the kids then played football for an hour.

A good day.

05-11-13, 12:04
Me and Boo (my dog) went on a shopping trip to Pets At Home.

She got way too excited and I got embarrassed.

Turned my back on her, next thing she's herding baby rabbits (through perspex) whilst wearing reindeer ears.

It's just not on ...


05-11-13, 12:06
Aww, that pic has cheered me up. I actually think this is a nice thread. Could help take peoples mind of things?

05-11-13, 12:07
OMG that image is wayyyyyyyy too big :unsure:

05-11-13, 12:38
Nothing except sleep.

To be fair, I am recovering from a 6 day sickness bug.

I will be going to my daughters parent evening and I plan to um, make up for lost time tonight with my husband ;)

---------- Post added at 12:38 ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 ----------

I like this thread :)

It's a good reminder for people like me to do something ;)

I have five kids, I do a lot when they get home from school but not much lately during the day. I just wallow in my own self pity ;)

05-11-13, 12:41
I'm planning on working today, and going to the library on my lunch break. I love to read, so I plan on reading a new book this evening, after having a nice dinner at home. I like this thread too. Reminds me to be thankful for the things that I do and to ensure that I am planning on doing something positive throughout the day.

05-11-13, 12:49
I have just come back to apologise for that ridiculously humongous image.

Anyway ... further to shopping with Boo I have also had a good row with my husband (I won ... just saying), been to the doctors, and then taken a delivery of some flowers that a good friend has sent - though they're not because the cheese has slipped off my cracker :roflmao:

And yes, this is a great, upbeat thread!

05-11-13, 13:14
I woke up feeling terrible, with horrible anxiety and pains and did not want to go to my job interview. I forced myself to and guess what? I feel sooooooo much better. My confidence has shot up and I feel braver and stronger for doing it, especially seeing as how much I didn't want to get out of bed. Get up, do those things that scare you/you don't want to do because you CAN do it and the more you do, the more you know you can do. We are strong! :D

05-11-13, 13:18
Well done Gingerspider and good luck with the result of the interview. Inspiring to hear when people find things tough but just GO for it.

05-11-13, 13:28
Hi Skippy, nice idea for a thread :) My own anxiety seems to stem from a feeling of not living my life the way I'd really like to - so being proactive and making an effort to do things that make me happy is an important part of getting better (as it is for all of us!).

I had to take some time off work because of health issues, but I've mainly been hiding out at home instead of getting out and about. So today instead of staying indoors I took a drive with my father and went to buy his dog a lot of treats & toys in a garden centre!

Travelling makes me feel really bad in several ways, part of my health problems is an issue with visual vertigo which makes travel hard, and I tend to avoid it because of that. Even short journeys make me feel bad. This journey was about an hour in the car & an hour back, and yeah it made me feel bad! But instead of worrying about it, getting upset or panicked, I decided to just go with it and relax, I knew that it would fade eventually.

And it worked :) When I stress it gets worse, so keeping cool about it meant that I felt better faster. That's a big improvement for me :)

05-11-13, 13:53
Just got the call! I GOT THE JOB :) I will now be working for The Red Cross. Just an example of the power we yield! Keep at it guys, the world is yours for the taking :yahoo:

05-11-13, 14:12
Congratulations, bet your happy you went now. :D

05-11-13, 14:23
Absolutely, can't believe it really, didn't think it would. Just goes to show you can do anything if you put your mind to it and think positive!

05-11-13, 15:51
Congrats Ginge ... bloomin' well done you :yesyes:

05-11-13, 16:02
Well today I have been working hard! Got up at 5:30 as my wife was heading to London and so I got up with my son. Have spent the day trying to finalise some work to improve NHS services for disabled children. Will be heading home in about an hour, pick my daughter up, take her to gymnastics and catch up with her in the car. Then home, 45 mins of bed time stories and then sit down and chill for a couple of hours with my wife.

Then tomorrow it is my turn to go to London.

---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 16:02 ----------

Oh and congratulations.....I miss working for a charity sometimes which is what i did before coming into the NHS.

05-11-13, 16:04
Ginger that is brilliant, congratulations! :yesyes: