View Full Version : Severe hypochondria for ten years, at the end of my rope

05-11-13, 05:27
So this is my story. I don't know what really triggered my hypochondria; it definitely happened around the time I was twelve or thirteen. One of the first things I remember worrying about was at age twelve, whether or not the X-ray machine at the orthodontist would malfunction and give me radiation poisoning. After that, I had an impacted tooth and worried bitterly for months that I would die while under anesthesia to have it removed; they ended up taking it out under local alone (awake) because I was so worried.

All the while, every little thing that happened to me was some form of cancer. During puberty I came to think I had cancer in my genitals. Occasionally I'd bleed when wiping; this is always anal or colon cancer when I see it. Around age 16 I had discovered a LARGE knot in my neck that I swore for years was lymphoma. I had an inconsequential blood test abnormality that I blew up to leukemia, colon cancer, and stomach cancer.

I can't even go for tests of any sort anymore. I'm writing here because I need another eye exam and I can't bear the thought that one week from now, the opthamologist is going to tell me I have melanoma of the eye. I held up a light against my right eye and saw a small dark spot on the iris about the size of a sharpened pencil lead; immediately I panicked. I can't bear the thought of having to go under anesthesia for surgery, knowing I might not wake up, knowing I'll be blind afterward. I probably spent the last few hours looking up the disease and preparing myself for the worst come next Monday.

On top of all that, I had this blockage in my left ear since Thursday that feels like there's water in it but there isn't. You guessed it; it's got to be ear canal cancer.

I can't live like this anymore. The thought of having cancer is so unthinkable to me, because I know if I ever had it, my life would be over and I would have no reason to be happy about anything anymore. It's to the point where I can't stand the slightest thing that may turn it up: be it getting a physical, or getting an eye exam, or going to the dentist to have seven way-overdue cavities filled! If I hear I have cancer, my life is ruined.

This condition stole my entire adolescence and a large part of my adulthood, as I often lived "one week at a time" and prepared myself for at least six last birthdays, Thanksgivings, and Christmases. I can't take it anymore.

Does this ever get better? Will I ever be able to handle the slightest thing that could be cancer? I have a feeling that if I could still live a good life even if I did get cancer, maybe I wouldn't be so terrified of slight problems or going for checkups. But I know if I ever got cancer, I would turn suicidal. I've never been happy with my life or who I lived as. I fear that if there's no more time, I can't simply tell myself it'll be better in the future anymore.

05-11-13, 06:10
Zontar you poor soul. You must be utterly exhausted.

Listen to me ... you are ill. You have anxiety disorder, and particularly health anxiety. What you need to do is recover from that.

Read your post. The amount of illnesses you've worried over, you'd be a medical marvel. You are fine but for the one illness you are not dealing with.

Let's call a spade a spade - you, like me, have a mental health illness. Just because it's mental health renders it no less valid than if you or I suffered from allergies or autism.

Here's the thing ... I have thyroid disease. It's never put me on sick leave from work. I have IBS. Never put me on sick leave from work. I broke my foot 6 years ago this week. I couldn't walk. I never had a single day off sick.

I have anxiety disorder ... this is my fifth week on sick leave. Despite appearing physically well, I am currently mentally unable to safely carry out my job. Do you understand my point? I am unwell.

However I am getting better because I both recognise and acknowledge my illness. I am not afraid of it, nor do I feel embarrassed by it. I also know that if I heal and recover, the fears and worries will recede.

So saying - are you being treated for anxiety? If so, how's it going? If not, a visit to your doctor ASAP. You need to recover from anxiety, you really do.

I hope you're feeling a bit better right now. And at least on the site you'll find people that perfectly understand how you feel :hugs: