View Full Version : Liver Scan and abdo problems

05-11-13, 07:39
I have a liver scan today. I think it's today so worried that I have forgotten the day of the scan. It might be tomorrow.

Anyway, I have a problem with pain on my right side, very sharp then goes away. In a very precise spot. Had it for months, prior to that I had an itch and what I call minute pains flair up and burn out in minutes so taking pain meds would have been pointless. The pains went to an hour then the whole day. Went to the Dr - blood tests clear except for Bilirubin - I have what is called Gilberts Syndrome so my bilirubin would be slightly elevated. The general pains went except for the legs, particularly my calves. I know of two people who had leg pains and diagnosed for liver cancer - one died three weeks after diagnosis. Both primary liver, which I have been told is not common. The GP said that the elevated levels could be a red herring. To scared to ask what that means. I am now nauseous, pain has travelled to shoulder blade, insides feel swollen. I had H Pylori but took the antibiotic treatment to clear it up. So I do not understand why the nausea and bloating. Losing my appetite and have gone to Dr Google and back went to expert website. That word came up. I have drawn a will, told my "daughter" how I want my funeral. I am not scared of death I am scared of the pain, I am scared of the suffering for my family and myself. I want to be brave but find it a struggle. My lovely neighbour died of pancreatic cancer. He was gone in five months. A friend the same, pancreatic cancer she fought for a year. I have so much to do for my family before I fall. I have no savings and my grandfather's funeral cost £11,000+

If HA is real, why are the symptoms real. The pain is real, the nausea is real, the itch, the bloating is real how can this be all in my head.

Above all I want to be brave. Live life and love the life. Can't seem to be grateful with this going on. I find it difficult to think ahead normally. I want to dye my hair but I think what is the point I will lose it anyway. I feel an utter fake. Don't want to spend money so I can save for my mother who I look after her.

So sorry for the rant. Scared and just want to accept what is.

05-11-13, 07:46
Beth no one has told you that you have anything to worry about. You are driving yourself into the ground, almost burying yourself (!) and yet what do you know? Nothing. Your doctor is sending you for precautionary tests, and both you and your doctor know that you have health issues in the first place.

Please try to stop killing mentally killing yourself off. As for symptoms, the mind is an incredibly powerful tool. Years ago my brother presented at A & E with a heart attack. Everything pointed to one. Once the panic was over it turned out that he'd had a sudden onset panic attack that almost masked every heart failure symptom to a T.

Think about a visit to your doctor to discuss your anxiety. It is an illness and it is treatable and curable. I sincerely hope that you feel a bit better right now :hugs:

05-11-13, 09:15
Thank you.

But the symptoms are too real to ignore. How do you work out what is real and what isn't. How can you trick yourself for so long. This has been going on for months.

And my scan is for tomorrow. For some reason I want to prove I am right about my own demise. That's sick. Why aren't I happy. Why am I scared of living.

I know there is a pattern. I can see the pattern but any time I think, right this is not real, another symptom manifests. Whilst I am fighting the new symptom, the old symptom grows bigger.

06-11-13, 04:05
unable to sleep. It's not HA, turned on the tv and first thing I see, character has that dreaded illness, then the next programme the same it's a sign.