View Full Version : Nose bleed

05-11-13, 08:08
I just woke up and felt my nose running wiped it to find my nose bleeding, it didn't bleed much but now I'm scared, feel sick and really anxious that there's something wrong with me. Why did it just randomly bleed when I was asleep, can it be stress and anxiety, or can it mean I'm ill. I did read somewhere that it could be something to do with high blood pressure.

05-11-13, 08:17
If it didn't bleed much I wouldn't worry. The odd nosebleed is pretty harmless. This is 'nosebleed' time of year for me - I think a combination of cold weather outside and central heating inside kind of dries out the inside of your nose so the membrane gets a bit irritated and then it doesn't take much to make it bleed.

05-11-13, 14:42
Your proberly right, but where I've been feeling off balance for the past 4 months I think I've got high blood pressure. I went to the doctors in July and had my blood pressure taken, it was high and dr put it down to stress if a family member passing away and when ever I have my blood pressure taken its always high because I'm scared of drs. Then I think what if its high all the time because I've been feeling off balance and my head always feels weird. I can't go to the shop because I panic and I panic that I will faint in public, my eyes start to go blury then I walk like I'm drunk and I need to his on to something. My drs are useless I honestly think I have an illness can anxiety and stress really do all this?! Or is it all caused by high blood pressure or an illness?!