View Full Version : Do you ever feel like life is just suffering??

05-11-13, 10:37
I never thought that my life would end up like this, me worrying about my health. New symptoms every now and then. I have been suffering with eye pain for 2 years and due for a mri scan on thursday which i am shit scared of. I am so alone and my family do not even care, like my mum blames me for sitting on the laptop hence my eye problems. She doesnt understand that it cant cause eyeball to swell and pain so bad like that even my forehead and cheeks?? I am afraid i have a brain tumor and that i am just here to be punished or to suffer. I always wanted a happy and healthy life, like i go on facebook and see others so happy. It is summer here in my country and to think i wanted to go on holiday but i have to go to hospital on thursday for a brain scan,im so scared and i hate this feeling. Everytime i try to feel better i get some new symptom but by far worse is the eye pain and its scary. I wish for a better positive life but i am still stuck in this dark tunnel.

05-11-13, 10:52
I feel like this all the time. Everytime I'm better a new symptom happens its like whats the point anymore :(

05-11-13, 11:54
Same here , really fed up of not being able to feel normal and enjoy things :(

05-11-13, 12:53
Ok guys let's stop the pity fest. We're all going to be crawling along the floor at this rate :)

What we should be doing is geeing each other up. No agreeing that being sad all the time is how we all feel ... even if we do feel sad all the time. Let's try and be positive, pick each other up, even if it's only words, or a virtual hug.

If you're really fed up of feeling the way that you do then it's time to start taking your lives back. It's time to get better. It's time to focus your energies on fixing your mental health issues.

Come on ... you CAN do this!

05-11-13, 13:11
I've been to gp and started cbt for the anxiety... But not feeling any better yet :(

Having bad day today though as I've had back and chest pain since last night. It hurts my chest to bend, cough, burp, and eat.... Dr has put it down to muscular strain in the back that all connects. I'm in agony.

Not self pity just feel dreadful :(

05-11-13, 13:15
I know how you feel. No matter how many people I have around me that I love it just feels like a black hole. I uses to love music but now it doesn't make me happy, football...no. Nothing. But going to take Andrias advice and bloody do something before it's too late. I'm ruining others lives as well and it's bloody selfish.

05-11-13, 13:29
Guys, it's called depression and it is an actual illness. It isn't how life normally feels and it also isn't a permanent state. You will realise that when you come out of it and look back and you won't understand why you felt like that. The most important thing to do right now is accept that you are poorly, and not with a brain tumour or a heart attack or whatever else we conjure up to torture ourselves, but an illness of the mind that can only be cured by you and you alone. Make some positive steps, seek CBT, talk to your doctors, your friends and family and don't let stigma make you lonely, there are plenty of us out there who suffer and plenty who come out the other side. You are strong enough and you deserve to feel well. Life is a beautiful thing and it's just waiting for you to come and live it ! Take those steps now and don't look back. :yahoo:

05-11-13, 13:42
Melisha, I understand how you feel, I think we all feel that way sometimes. Anxiety is a frustrating problem and sometimes it feels like it's robbed us of our former selves.

I've been dealing with a health problem for the last year that makes life difficult. Sometimes I get really frustrated and upset about the fact that I can't do things the way I'd like to.

I made a bunch of friends who have similar problems, and one of them gave me a piece of advice that has made things much easier for her to deal with:

Blossom where you're planted.

No matter what happens to you in life, it is possible to make the most of where you are and what you can do with whatever limits life has dealt you. You just need to accept where you are, then have the right attitude and a proactive approach to your place in the world. Don't dwell too long in the victim mindset (we with anxiety struggle with that a lot), but instead get busy, look at your world in an honest way and see what goals you can set yourself and how far you can go. You can probably do a lot more than you think if you put your mind to it.

Claire Weekes has some interesting things to say on acceptance, reading her books has helped me to be more patient and peaceful with who I am and where life has taken me.

05-11-13, 17:02
You're deep in the depths of health anxiety. All I can tell you is that you can and will get better, so no need to panic. I got back to normal from severe health anxiety and I didn't need meds. If I can do it you can too. Get your head up, there is light at the end of the tunnel.