View Full Version : Something POSITIVE at last

05-11-13, 15:45
Well here i am, part way into week 7...

and guess what...

I am getting better :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

the numbness and emptiness seems to be disappearing, and my emotions are returning... when i say emotions, i mean happy and sad... but the sad isnt so bad as it was before, but i can cry and that helps a lot, infact i am overly tearful but sometimes its happy tears too! I've had weeks of being unable to cry, and suddenly its like the flood gates are open!

but i can also show happiness now too, genuinly laugh and join in with a group of people at work, for example!

i feel confident once again, in that i can talk to people, even those i dont know as i'm in a shop or walking the dogs!!

i have hit a tired stage, but no wonder, with feeling positive and being more positive, its draining my energy... but the strength will coem back :D

it really does work people.... i've hit the lowest of all lows, had thoughts of harming myself and not being able to see a "tomorrow" but now suddenly, the fog is clearing and here comes my daylight once again!!!

Just wanted to share this with everyone... BUT i am prepared for down days, and my family and friends are all aware there IS going to be down days, but i have support all around me on here, at home and work... with feeling this ok the rest of the time, i can look at bad days and say "Yeh.... come on.... do your worst, i can take you!!" :roflmao:



05-11-13, 17:52
So pleased you got there its a good feeling :yesyes:

05-11-13, 17:56
So pleased for u!!! I had 4 out of 7 good days last week. Yesterday was bad but only because I was putting pressure on myself and had some stressful things to sort but today ( even though I had a massive panic attack last night) I feel worn out but calm again. The good days do start to outweigh the bad... Just hold on to those good days and how they feel!!!!! Xxxx