View Full Version : Terrified of side effects from antibiotics..

05-11-13, 23:06
Hi everyone, I had to take antibiotics last month that I was prescribed called 'co amoxiclav'.. They made me get a severe case of vaginal thrush where I couldn't walk, that has just cleared up as the tests for it came back negative.. Although I didn't actually need to take these antibiotics and only took about 10 of them (long story) but the thrush ruined so much for me..

Anyway now the doctors and my mum think I may have a bacterial infection like tonsilitis or something, and I have been prescribed 'phenoxmethylpenicillin' which is 2 tablets for 4 times a day for 7 days. And I believe that it it is way too much and I will definitely get another painful yeast infection :(! I have a gig next Thursday and I REALLY want to enjoy this one without any pain, I'm so scared to take them but I fear if I don't that it will get worse and I will be so ill I can't go to the gig anyway :(

Advice and help anyone?

05-11-13, 23:14
If you need them take them. If you can manage (safely) without don't take them. I almost always turn Anti-biotics down because of the affect on my IBS.

Don't be afraid of them though. Arm yourself with knowledge about how they work, the different types etc. It's very interesting :)

06-11-13, 00:17
Drinking Probiotic Yoghurt like Yakult will put back the good bacteria in your body the A/B's kill off.
This will really help prevent Thrush,as well as preventing an upset stomach.
It always works for me.:)
Also drink plenty of water.Hope it helps you too.

06-11-13, 10:58
I'm going through a similar thing myself. I've been prescribed Erythromycin, and I've never had antibiotics before and i'm convinced i'll have a bad reaction to them.

Perhaps talk to your doctor or pharmacist and tell them your fears. They may make you feel better. I've spoken to my pharmacist but she didn't really help me as I have a hard time believing other people.

06-11-13, 13:12
Hi there! I understand your fear. Certain ones have in the past made me feel quite uncomfortable. Antibiotics definitely kill off the good stuff as well as the bad so it's a weighing scales situation, do you feel ill enough that you really need them?. It's a well known fact doctors over prescribe them and it's having a damaging effect on our health, as more and more strains become immune to them. Often the doctor will prescribe them purely to put your mind at ease, so why don't you have a chat and ask how essential they think they are? Quite often you won't need them at all but if you do, take note, not all antibiotics will have a nasty effect. I've had horrendous thrush and stomach ache with some and then absolute zero with others. Good luck and get well soon.

06-11-13, 16:07
Always finish the course of antibiotics and take as prescribed. They may cause thrush either genital or oral, as they will affect the normal flora, but this will only be short-term.
Failure to use antibiotics properly helps give rise to resistant infections, so it is never wise to do other than is stated on the prescription.