View Full Version : Convinced it's breast cancer, doc's tomorrow, need advice :(

05-11-13, 23:14
Hi again.

I had a doctor's appointment booked to get my right breast looked at, as there was a little red spot there, and I'd freaked myself out thinking it was inflammatory BC. But I was being reasonably rational about it.
However, I decided to have a prod and a poke around anyway. I noticed a tiny little hard ball, smaller than the size of a pea in the breast. Just the teeniest ball. I've noticed it before, possibly years ago, but never been fussed over it. It doesn't feel like a 'lump', therefore before my HA days it's never bothered me, whereas a proper lump would panic anyone.
I'm obviously going to show the doctor tomorrow, but I'm absolutely panicked now, (actually shaking), that it's definitely going to be BC.
Does anyone else have anything like this? Should I be really worried? Knowing my doctor she'll definitely refer me, which is panicking me even more. It's moveable. I can roll it around a bit under the skin. My understanding is that naughty stuff is pretty rigid?
Any advice would be so helpful, I'm in a right state.
Thank you x

05-11-13, 23:44
Hello LF47. I so know how you're feeling right now.

I had a breast-lump scare myself about six months ago, and discovered in the process that around 60% of women have 'fibrocystic breasts' - a harmless condition in which cysts form in the breast tissue. The facts are that the VAST MAJORITY of breast lumps, whilst of course it's worth getting them checked out, turn out to be nothing scary at all. The fact that it's something you've noticed before, possibly years ago, and it hasn't got bigger or caused any other symptoms, makes this even more likely. You'll be fine. I was!

06-11-13, 00:06
I agree with kittencake.
It does sound like its a harmless Cyst.
Iv'e had three and all were mobile.
If its only tiny they will probably leave it unless it grows bigger.In which case they usually drain it.
Do try not to worry and let us know how you get on.

06-11-13, 00:27
Thanks so much for your replies. I have zero rationalizing skills. I'm just so panicked! The only thing keeping me remotely sane is that it maybe would've grown if it were sinister, which it hasn't. I'm just so scared to be referred even. I don't think I'll be able to cope. I'm so scared x

06-11-13, 01:54
I have read about inflammatory breast cancer and one of the criteria is that the redness covers at least a third of your breast.
I too have a small red spot on my breast - the size of a pencil eraser with just a small small bump under it.
Mine started this past summer - I woke up one morning and noticed that I had been bit my an insect perhaps thru the night - maybe a spider? anyway the area was quiet red and oozing for a bit but now 3 months later is just a little red spot.
when i mentioned it my doctor she wasn't over concerned but has referred me to a dermatologist. she did say that she has heard that some insects like spiders can leave behind poisen and kill some of the surrounding tissue. i think this is what has happened with me. from what i have read some people have this marks for years.
any chance that you were bit by something in the past?
also inflammatory bc is very aggressive from what i have read and i think you would have seen more changes in your breast by now.

06-11-13, 12:12
Thanks for the replies. I'm in a total state of panic right now.
I can't believe I never got it looked at before now. But it's just never bothered me before. It's not something that alarmed me, because I never really prodded it or played with it enough to realise it was a little ball. I mean, it cant be bigger than half a grain of rice, but round.
I'm in full scale panic now that it'll have spread and nothing will be done because I left it so long.
Is there any chance she might just say its nothing? Or do you always get referred with anything breast related? My appointment isn't til 5.15 today. I don't know how I'm gonna get through.

---------- Post added at 10:09 ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 ----------

Can I ask what the lump scares you guys have had felt like? Were they large? Or near the surface? Because you can't see mine.

---------- Post added at 12:12 ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 ----------

Well, she said she's not worried at all. She felt all around and said she can see what I'm talking about but that it's very small, moveable, and she's not concerned. Should I stop worrying now? Would she definitely spot something wrong?

06-11-13, 12:32
You've got to remember that doctors are trained professionals. They know the difference between something completely harmless and something that needs further investigation. If she's not worried then forget about it - like you have in the past. If it's been there for years (and if it was cancer) it would have grown and you'd have known about it long before now.

06-11-13, 13:14
Thanks tense.
I just thought she would refer me cos of it being a bit of an abnormal feeling thing? I thought that was the standard procedure. I worry that I get dismissed because of all my previous hospital visits

---------- Post added at 13:14 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ----------

*doctor visits

06-11-13, 13:42
Did you get an earlier appointment today to be seen?

06-11-13, 13:50
Is is most probably a fibroadenoma which is a benign lump that is usually removed with simple surgery.

If it isn't painful they may well decide to leave it where it is but you will probably get referred to make sure.

06-11-13, 13:52
Yeah, I called and asked if I could get in earlier because I was so worried. I explained to the receptionist my worry and I guess she put me in as an emergency.

---------- Post added at 13:52 ---------- Previous post was at 13:51 ----------

Brunette, I thought that's what would happen too, but she just said she's not concerned and that was it. I asked what it could be and she said it's just part of my body. She said it's very small and moveable and that was it! I was expecting to be referred for definite. She did a full breast examination

06-11-13, 14:00
Fine, then best to leave it at that.

06-11-13, 14:40
Good news then - you are fine

06-11-13, 14:44
That's what I thought until about 10 minutes ago. Now I'm worrying because I don't think you can really feel it lying down, which I was. I'm worrying she's not actually felt what I was talking about.

06-11-13, 15:35
You said she did a full breast examination - she's a doctor, she will know what she's doing.

06-11-13, 15:47
I always do the same as you when I leave the doctors and wonder if they knew what I was on about. However 2 things here. First of all, looking logically you knew it had been there for years and if we ll feel about can feel things although it's good to be aware. So just from that I knew what the doctor would say. Secondly, doctors really do have to do a full check as they risk so much if they miss just one thing. You are fine and I'm a fine one to talk but don't worry now. Nothing is wrong and do not ruminate.

06-11-13, 16:05
I don't know what a full breast examination is, I just know I lay on a bed and she had a feel around and pressed reasonably hard. I know it's silly to still worry. It's just niggling I think. Thank you all for replying xx

06-11-13, 16:12
It's not silly at all. Health anxiety plays with our minds and it's not fair but in your case even without the doctors you know that lump has been there for years and not changed so your 100% fine. And now the doctor has checked that confirms what's already confirmed if that makes sense. Your fine. Enjoy your evening x