View Full Version : Acceptance and CBT

06-11-13, 12:14
Good Morning,
My mornings are still bad. For the first 20 minutes I have anxiety, aching arms and legs, a tight chest, etc... I am relearning one more time that my thoughts about the event, and not the event itself, create my feelings and my mood.
My "All or Nothing Thinking" is on it's worst behavior at times like this. I think things like, "This is never going to go away", "This is not normal and I shouldn't feel this way", and "There must be something terribly wrong with me".
I end up feeling bad about myself, defeated and anxious. I have to work really hard to find the distortions and the lies in my irrational thoughts. After doing the work, I find myself calming down and poof, my arms have quit aching and my legs feel less like jelly.
I am determined to work the program with CBT and to recover my life. I'm on day 17 of citalopram and I am feeling somewhat less anxious and depressed, at least after noon.
I would love to hear other people's experiences with CBT and how they talk to themselves rationally. I think it would really help to hear some success stories.
I hope everyone has a good day.