View Full Version : Hi, I'm new here! Here's a bit about me.

06-11-13, 12:39
Hi well as it says I am a newbie on here and have joined to get support. Basically I suffer badly from HA, every little symptom I experience I assume is something horrific. I struggle with the fact that my symptoms lead to HA. and I'm sure it's something worse all the time. My symptoms incl dizziness, tiredness, major brain fog I can't seem to think straight or get my words out sometimes, pain and aches in various random muscles. I am also experiencing symptoms which I'm told by doc is just a virus, but it's been going on for three months. I believe that this virus is what's triggering my HA. the virus symptoms are blocked nose, pressure in ears, tickly unproductive cough, pressure around eyes and visual problems. Haveing all these symptoms is messing with my head as I'm unsure what's 'really' wrong with me and what's anxiety. In my head all the symptoms must be something serious because I feel soo ill. My biggest fear is a brain tumour (although I rarely ever get headaches) but I've panicked over every single illness one time or another from heart disease to MS to diabetes ect.
I regularly get panic attacks in the night that wake me up, I feel like I'm dying during them and liturally run around my house trying to ' stay alive'
I am a horrendous addict to dr google.
Any help, advice ect you can give me will help. Be nice to no if I'm on my own feeling this way or not
Thanks Kat x

06-11-13, 13:30
Kat - what's really wrong with is that you're ill, and the illness you have is a mental health one. You are ill. So what you need to do is acknowledge the illness that you do have and start looking at ways of dealing with it.

I'm not sure whether you are though, you don't say either way. Please think about what I'm saying, as it's important that you recover in order to live a life not fraught with constant fear and worry.

And both welcome to NMP and I hope you feel a little better today :)

06-11-13, 14:39
Oh I completely acknowledge I have health anxiety, but with all the symptoms I'm having I worry there is something else aswell and that the symptoms of it are causing my anxiety symptoms to get worse.