View Full Version : feeling a little bit stuck.

06-11-13, 12:57
so i had a large problem with my anxiety at the beginning of this year and last, fell into a large amount of panic attacks and depression, i have GAD but i'm coping with that a lot better now too, but i don't enjoy what i used to and i have next to no motivation to do work for uni.. even though its all i want to do. i'm having trouble with motivation and i'm going in and out of a half decent routine and its really starting to upset me, my confidence has taken a hit as i'm a lot more dependant on company from my other half rather than working independently and getting on with what i need to do, i feel like i'm just dragging him around half the time. i was wondering if anyone had some advice for me or is in a similar situation? it would really help x

06-11-13, 13:03
Try spending an hour a day doing things that you enjoy. It's good that you want to do well at University but you need to take some time out for yourself. Do what ever you enjoy, whether it's reading, drawing, doing puzzles, whatever.

Sorry I'm a little strapped for time but will pop in again to extend my answer. I hope this helps though.

06-11-13, 13:34
thank you for your reply :) x oh i would love to focus on getting back to me, but because I'm not forcing myself into uni I'm piling up even more work and I'm in my final year so its getting really hectic, I'm really scared i'll end up in the situation i was in the start of this year where i would have to re-submit and go back a year.... i don't know i suppose I'm a little scared and hiding away from it all, don't know what to do