View Full Version : head rushes!!!!!

04-11-06, 11:41
hi i was wondering wether anyone else gets these feelings?
i started to get them last week after having a cold,it feels like i have lots of pressure in my head and when i,m really anxious i get like these head rushes(like when you sometimes get up too quick!!!!)i thought it was due to my cold but i,m not bunged up with congestion.
please help my mind is working overtime as to what it could be!!
i went to see a neurologist some weeks ago as i was worring myself sick that i had a brain tumour(the neurologist said he couldn,t find any signs of a tumour)
i feel like i,m driving everyone in my family mad(and myself!!!!)

take care
rachel x x

04-11-06, 11:56
Hi Rachel,

Try not to worry, this is a very common symptom of anxiety,

Here are some posts that may help:

walking funny, head rushes and dizziness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3610)
Head Rush (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4301)
Sounds daft I know, but head shivers! Eh?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3814)



04-11-06, 12:22
I get this - I thought it was due to low blood pressure, but apparently mine's ok. I feel like it's all the blood rushing to my head, as though I'm standing on my head. Mine goes away, then comes back when I am most anxious. Horrible, but harmless I think!

04-11-06, 12:42
thankyou both for your replies!!!!i want sooo much to be out with my family today,its lovely weather down here in plymouth and i,m sat in worrying!!!!god i really hate this
thanks again
take care
rachel x x

04-11-06, 15:57
Hi Rachel :D

I have had these, they can be scary. I know its dame hare hun but try not to hate this feeling, it will only feed your anxiety.

What I found helped and took time to work was to change my thought pattern on this symptom, when the head rushes come on, instead of thinking Ohhhh I hate this, just go with the flow, think of someone masarging (spell check) your head and think how nice it feel or think of it as warn water running over your head and think how warm and nice if feel. Mrs anxiety does not like nice thoughts, she cannot feed therefore, she goes away..

This may not work right away but with time, it worked for me.

Hope it works for you.


Wishing you well


04-11-06, 20:15
thankyou jill,i will try that!!!
its just hard at first to distract yourself,at the moment i am aware of the symptoms all the time!!!!
take care hope you are ok
thanks again
rachel x x

04-11-06, 20:44
HI ceecee
i get these symptoms quite often they used to really freak me out now i couldnt care less because i now realise that its anxiety the bully that it is! when i get them isay to myself oh! hello its mr anxiety trying to catapault me into a panic attack again, now how many times have you done that to me in the past? that many ive lost count, now mr anxiety ive got news for you, I DONT GIVE A TOSS ABOUT YOU ANYMORE! GO AWAY IM NOT BOVVERED! :D and believe it or not mr anxiety slinks away with his tail between his legs,dont worry ceecee you can beat mr anxiety as well its hard at times but it can be done believe me
all the best

05-11-06, 16:14
hi mick
thanks i really appreciate your reply!!!!!!
i,ve had anxiety for 4 years now and have coped quite well but lately its really getting to me!!!!!!
i,m gonna try my hardest to not let it get me down
thanks again
take care
rachel x

05-11-06, 20:33
I know exactly how you feel, I have suffered with these for the last few years and while unpleasant they are not dangerous, I've even had an MRI scan to prove the point :D

What's for you won't go by you

07-11-06, 09:59
Hi Rachel

I get these to. Its one of the worst symptoms of my anxiety.

They use to really worry me, but iv had them for over 2 years now, so iv got used to having them. I try not to panic when i get them, and that does help me a bit.

love mandie x

07-11-06, 12:14
thanks mandie
it helps when you realise you are not the only one!!!!!!!
hope you are ok
take care and thanks again
rachel x

13-12-22, 04:24
I realize this is an old thread, but I am currently going through these head rushes and you explained them perfectly! They’re easily one of the scariest symptoms I’ve dealt with so far. I’m 27 years old and feel like I’m going to have a stroke because of it. 😭 I hope you reply!

13-12-22, 04:31
Hi Rachel :D

I have had these, they can be scary. I know its dame hare hun but try not to hate this feeling, it will only feed your anxiety.

What I found helped and took time to work was to change my thought pattern on this symptom, when the head rushes come on, instead of thinking Ohhhh I hate this, just go with the flow, think of someone masarging (spell check) your head and think how nice it feel or think of it as warn water running over your head and think how warm and nice if feel. Mrs anxiety does not like nice thoughts, she cannot feed therefore, she goes away..

This may not work right away but with time, it worked for me.

Hope it works for you.


Wishing you well


Praying you reply.. did you ever find out what this is? It’s so scary and I’ve been dealing with them on and off. Mostly “on” lately because I’ve been so worried about them. It feels like I’m going to have a stroke!

13-12-22, 04:33
I know exactly how you feel, I have suffered with these for the last few years and while unpleasant they are not dangerous, I've even had an MRI scan to prove the point :D

What's for you won't go by you

These are so scary :( I feel like I’m
Going to have a stroke.

13-12-22, 04:34
Hi Rachel

I get these to. Its one of the worst symptoms of my anxiety.

They use to really worry me, but iv had them for over 2 years now, so iv got used to having them. I try not to panic when i get them, and that does help me a bit.

love mandie x

Praying you reply.. did you ever find out what this is? Its so scary and I’ve been dealing with them. It’s very worrying. Do you still get them?