View Full Version : Odd symptoms

06-11-13, 16:29
Hello as I have posted before I am currently in a period of a setback. Some symptoms have returned from when anxiety first took hold of me whilst others thankfully remain at bay for now.

Two symptoms (or maybe they are the same things) have always made me struggle mentally, mainly as I do not think I have seen anyone mention them. I will try and explain them, not that it is easy.

1. The feeling as you have hit a mental block, or some part of your thinking is missing. The best way I can describe it is as if you are counting to 10 but you get stuck on 5, you know 6,7,8,9 and 10 come after it. You know it is the number 5 but it is if your mind has a hole there and you cannot quite get it out.

2. This one has only happened when I am half asleep. A thought pops into my head and it is if I am arguing within my own mind, for the life of me afterwards I cannot remember what the "argument" was but it has mentally drained me and has made me feel vulnerable which lasts the whole day.

Anyone else ever felt these, I try my best not to let them get to me as like any symptoms you cannot think your way out it, but of all the symptoms I find these the hardest to just let be and carry on with my day.

06-11-13, 17:12
1. Yes I frequently get mental blocks. When I am typing I sometimes forget how to spell things. This is unusual for me as I am a literacy teacher and usually good with spellings. I forget lots of things when I am in an anxious state and sometimes don't answer questions until half hour after someone has asked me!
2. I often argue with myself in my mind but usually it is the rational and irrational that is arguing. My Psychotherapist actually said this is a good thing.