View Full Version : Can't get going :-(

06-11-13, 18:26
I feel so tired all the time I don't know why.
I have so many ideas but never seem to do anything.
I haven't been out for days and today It's 18:23 and I'm still In bed.
I haven't eaten and the thought of going to the shops for food just seems impossible but I have to.
I just can't seem to progress In life and I can't "snap out" of this tiredness and feeling so low.
I have good friends and family but I avoid them for some reason. There's always an excuse.
I don't want to be like this anymore I want to have a life but I can't get going..
I'm sorry for this rant. I'm just lost x

06-11-13, 18:30
The only way you are going to have a life is to get out of bed. I know that may seem harsh but I have been there myself and I had to force myself out of bed, showered and breakfast. Even you just manage that for a few days it will be progress. Take it in little steps. When you have managed that much, go out for a little walk. Just for a couple of minutes to start with and getting a little further each day. Lying in bed all day will only make you even more tired. Exercise is important and will help you to recover.

06-11-13, 18:32
The trouble is then you will find you are up all odd hours and you will feel tired constantly and you will miss all the days. If you try to go to bed early tonight, difficult I know as you will want to stay up now, then get up in the morning and force yourself out for the groceries. Once you return you will feel better of it and want to do some work.

06-11-13, 18:36
It just seems like a gargantuan task right now. I'm well aware that sounds dramatic but It's true. I have no confidence In myself and I feel people are laughing at me because I'm ugly and I'm not good enough to be In the world. I don't know If I'm sick or It's In my head. I've lost the ability to tell.

06-11-13, 18:41
You might find some of these work books helpful http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/consumers.cfm

06-11-13, 18:47
I will have a look now thank you :-)