View Full Version : Seeing non-existant movement?

Neurotic Nick
06-11-13, 18:30
Im having an annoying symptom, one of those that makes you question your sanity a little, when im tired and resting i keep "detecting" movement in the corners of my eyes when there isnt any.

Now ive just started buspar and i dont know if that is causing it as i have had the same thing once before but that was during a bad case of flu.

Anybody know what this is and if its serious? I can ignore it somewhat but its one of those things that is hard to completely shrug off...

06-11-13, 18:36
It's occasionally happens to me. I have no idea what it is except that it might be something to do with being hyper-vigilant when anxious.

It'll be interesting if there are other people who experience it. I've had anxiety for so long, it could be perfectly normal for all I know!


06-11-13, 19:18
I think it is possibly normal with anxiety, I never experienced it until I had anxiety for a number of years and then it started to happen. Mine always seems to be out of the corner of my right eye and can be black shapes of just bright lights that seem to move. I did have eye tests last year and apparently I have perfect vision , mine also happens if I am really tired.

Neurotic Nick
06-11-13, 23:31
Well knowing that others have this is - as usual - already a relief :) Thanks guys!

07-11-13, 00:21
I developed what is known as 'visual snow' whilst taking citalopram. I kept seeing occasional things like flashes of light and movement in the periphery of my vision. I've stopped taking citalopram but the visual snow is still there, though from what I've read it appears that it disappears in due course.

It seems that any serotonin increasing medications can lead to visual distortions/disturbances so I wouldn't worry. From what I've read, they're only transient and will fade in time - though sometimes they stick with you while you're on the medication.

Neurotic Nick
07-11-13, 01:38
Well emphyrio at first i was relieved about visual disturbances but for some reason i checked out your other posts ( your name intrigued me, related to the jack vance novel? ) and the thread on olanzapine has me super worried. I posted my worries in there so i wont go too off- topic here i guess...

08-11-13, 02:13
Yep, the novel is where I got my username from :) I'm a big fan of sci-fi.

Fly away Katie
08-11-13, 16:25
This happens to me too! I sometimes even suddenly stop walking in my tracks, because for a split second, I genuinely think there's something in front of me. Anxiety makes us hyper sensitive. Try not to worry too much xxxx

08-11-13, 17:01
I used to get this all the time. Still do now and again.

My favourite is omgaspideronthefloor!:doh:

Neurotic Nick
09-11-13, 00:04
Well im fairly sure its the buspar now as since last night the visual disturbances really went up a notch, had snow, light streaks and at its peak a few hours ago it looked like all the furniture around me was moving in a sort of hitchcock movie style. That sent me in a proper panic wich was somewhat funny as it reassured me, "oh this is familair, i can handle this" (mildly proud of that). Fairly calm now and the "proper panic" seems to have flushed out the visual stuff for now. That must mean something but im not sure what ;)

Anyhoo ill wait it out a few more days but if this keeps up or gets worse im quitting this med...

Thanks Katie and Joe for the support and emphyrio im a huge scifi nut too! Read that book as a kid and loved it! :D