View Full Version : Bowel obstruction - painful?

06-11-13, 20:33
Okay I'm sorry for another thread. I've been doing quite well these past few days, which I'm really pleased about. Life seems to be running very smoothly at the minute (which to me means something bad is bound to happen any minute).

Now I'm not totally freaking out about this, it's just niggling me as my granddad passed away from a ruptured bowel because of this (or something similar) that was not picked up by the hospital.

I've been having a few of the symptoms of this, of which I wont go into detail because someone will think they have this lol. However, I'm not in pain. I'd assume that a blockage would be very painful, so I just wondered has had this/known anyone with this that could tell me its very painful and theres no way I'd have one and not be in lots of pain :)

P.s. I know I have an appointment to see someone next week about my anxiety, so I am taking steps. This is just niggling a little x

06-11-13, 20:43
As someone who has "blockage" issues from all the pain killers, treatments and such, I can tell you without a doubt it's miserable and painful. Usually, you're good for upwards of 5 days without evacuating but even at that, it starts to get really uncomfortable after a few days and downright miserable as it goes on.

There would be absolutely no niggle if this was happening to you.

Daisy Sue
06-11-13, 23:24
To put your mind at ease, having a complete blockage of the bowel is one of the most acute & critical painful experiences you can have, and you'd know if you had it - I speak from experience :( This has happened to me twice, both times I needed an ambulance, was throwing up & passing out, stomach was distended, my bloods & bp were all over the place. So a little twinge, or slowing of your motions, or difficulty 'going' - they're not a blockage.

06-11-13, 23:49
I work in an ER and primary complaint is always 10 out of 10 pain with bowel obstructions

07-11-13, 15:59
If you had a bowel obstruction you would be having pain. My great aunt suffered with this for various reasons (won't go into detail as no doubt someone will read it and convince themselves it applies to them!) and she was doubled over in agony. If you're worried (just guessing) about having thin/flat stools, for instance, then, basically, don't. Stools can be thin for lots of reasons, including just that they're a bit softer than usual (which can be caused by anxiety) so (TMI!!) more susceptible to being squeezed into a thinner shape 'upon exit' :yesyes: