View Full Version : Alcohol

07-11-13, 10:34
I think my drinking is becoming a problem.... I have been drinking a bottle of wine or the equivalent for about 3 months. Its making me fat and I want to stop. I managed to get some Valium from the doctor. I have about 15x5mg tabs. I know the spiel about alcohol on meds and anxiety etc. If I just stop will the valium I have left help me through the withdrawals? I started drinking for Insomnia so its that I am worried about resurfacing....
I am also on Pregabalin
I'm thinking of just stopping tonight:ohmy:

07-11-13, 11:04
Have you told your doctor about your dependence on alcohol? If only I could show people what alcohol does I watched my father pass away nearly 7 months ago from alcohol dependence it's truly sad when it takes over so please get help while it's early days you do not want to go thru what my dad went threw the doctor can give you tablets to help you come off alcohol.
Best wishes Vicky x

07-11-13, 11:52
Thanks Vicky. I have mentioned it to my doctors. Its all because of my obsession with sleep. Im trying to withdraw from benzos as well. Ive bought some low alcohol red wine. So hopefully that will bee a good start. Ive got myself into a right mess

07-11-13, 13:37
Why don't you consider herbal remedies for sleep rather than alcohol? They induce a natural sleep, which alcohol prohibits.

07-11-13, 14:49
I have some but I am going to pick up some calms after work.
I'm more worried I will get withdrawals from the amount I have been consistently drinking. But i have some Valium so I should be OK.
I was just freaking out a little when I wrote this thread :blush:
Plus i have just bought some 5.5% wine so that might help me psychologically

07-11-13, 18:39
I wouldn't think you would get withdrawal symptoms from a bottle of wine a night for a few months!

07-11-13, 21:13
I hope not I'm going to reduce slowly anyway.
Thanks for the reassurance :yesyes:
Its the not sleeping that terrifies me, its like a full blown phobia.

08-11-13, 09:17
As far as I'm aware withdrawals from alcohol do not last long, a few days maybe and as somebody else said, one bottle of wine a night for 3 months won't cause distressing withdrawal symptoms, I'd understand if you drank more bottles of wine with other alcohol (vodka, gin etc).

The only difficulty you'll have will be from the physical habit itself, so why not swap the bottle of wine for a carton of fruit juice or a decaf tea/coffee instead? And herbal remedies will help you sleep.

08-11-13, 09:52
I think I'm going to try this over the weekend when i have less on.
I think this and my other habits are certainly mental.

08-11-13, 11:08
Let us know how you get on. Take care.

08-11-13, 11:19
Will do thank you:)