View Full Version : shaky hands , tired more and jelly legs when walking

07-11-13, 13:12
Hello it's Me again
I have same symptoms a few days ago then I get 2 days break which I'm grateful then it's started coming back again I'm thinking it's either blood sugar levels or blood pressure dropping but am not sure but I hate feeling this it comes on out of the blue so I wanna believe it is just anxiety but I actually feel hungry when it happens and low on energy but no matter what i Eat I Get it come over Me. It stops me doing things n of course makes my nerves go through the roof .. How can I tell if it's just anxiety? how do u no really because lots of things have similar symptoms so it confuses me now I hate the doctors it's worse before I would just go to put my mind at ease but now I can't bring myself to go am in a pickle hope it gets better. sorry to bring this all on u just like to hear everyone else's thoughts etc thanks for the help x

10-07-21, 15:12
This is mad that I am going through this again 8 year's later more recently what is this all.about must be an adrenaline thing and stupidly now.i check my glucose levels as my 13 yr old boy has type 1 diabetes now diagnosed 4 months ago surely if i had diabetes it would.not be going on 8 years slightly reassuring reading my old posts.

11-07-21, 10:27
Hi chick, I thought you deserved a reply. And just wanted to reiterate that it could be anxiety related. A blood test might put your mind at rest.