View Full Version : Nmp - thank you

07-11-13, 17:37
Ive now read 3 posts and threaded myself about the NHS & how people are feeling generally let down. I know the NHS isn't all bad & in uk we are very lucky on the other hand. But.....

On that note I just want to say a huge thankyou to NMP. Admins & Nicola.

This site has been a real life line to me BUT at the moment it's really coming to light how invaluable this site is.

When your really, down & desperate & u feel you have no where to turn, how lucky are we that we can simply log on here. Can u imagine pre Internet days?

Words don't really express how grateful I am for this site :grouphug:

07-11-13, 17:39
I couldn't agree more, Col.:hugs:

07-11-13, 17:40
Agreed :) x

07-11-13, 18:00

07-11-13, 18:14
Totally agree Col, NMP is a lifeline to so many.

07-11-13, 21:15
Agree 100%.........actually.......110% Col :) :hugs:

07-11-13, 21:17
Awww thank you Col that is so lovely to get thanks occasionally.

07-11-13, 21:24
Well said Col and thank you NMP.

07-11-13, 21:29
:) Thank you Col and all, as Nic says it is nice to get some thanks, it can be quite stressful and time consuming behind the scenes but I do totally agree with you NMP is such a brilliant resource and all credit must go to Nic for that for setting it up in the first place and providing us with somewhere we can come to talk to others in the same situation as ourselves....

So I would like to thank Nic too xx

Daisy Sue
07-11-13, 21:33
Agreed!! I well remember pre-internet days, struggling with all the nasties that anxiety threw at me, and not knowing anyone else who was going through it, no-one to talk to who really knew how it felt.

So yes, a big thank you to Nicola and all the staff here, and all the members too :)

07-11-13, 21:50
:grouphug: I really appreciate what u guys do & going through very bad times, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

07-11-13, 22:06
you know you are on Facebook too long when you are on NMP and look for this.....


07-11-13, 23:08
Yeah....................lol.................I'm forever looking for "like" buttons :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 23:08 ---------- Previous post was at 23:06 ----------

Just had another thought..............I wonder how long it will be before we all start looking for "like" buttons on people???:wacko: :roflmao: