View Full Version : Nausea for 3 months now

07-11-13, 17:53
I wrote a post a while ago about nausea I've been suffering from. It has now been 3 months and I'm terrified. 3 or 4 weeks ago it got so bad I was bed bound for 2 days and vomited, I have had the same again since Tuesday night.
I am so worried about Ovarian cancer (although I actually mentioned this to doc and he felt my stomach and actually said I do not have cancer). I know something is wrong whether serious or not and I have also noticed that I've had softer stools (sorry for tmi), heartburn and my periods are a little lighter than they used to be. In totally freaking out but because I have anxiety my family are saying it's nothing or 'in my mind'.
Any idea what this could be? Can it be normal? This time round I've also had a lot of bubbling in my stomach and since last time I was sick I've had a spasm thing in the same place a few times a day. I'm going to make an appointment tomorrow as I've been told to keep a nausea diary but in the meantime all I can think about is dying. Lately I've really wanted a baby for the first time in my life (I have a 6 year old but fell pregnant at 17 and didn't particularly wany one if that makes sense) and all I can think about is my partner having one with another woman when I'm gone.

---------- Post added at 17:53 ---------- Previous post was at 17:52 ----------

Also I'm 100% not pregnant, my partner and I haven't been intimate since May due to my anxiety/depression.

07-11-13, 17:57
I was the same last year for about 6 months and it was anxiety. I hardly ate in that time and lost a lot of weight. The nausea was the worst symptom of anxiety for me. What I did manage to eat just went straight through me :(

07-11-13, 18:05
Do you think it may be anxiety then? I could do with losing a few lbs but I eat, eat and eat as I am a comfort eater.
The possibility of it being anxiety never even crossed my mind as I have been feeling great (anxiety wise) since August other than the nausea due to a medication change. Is Ovarian Cancer rare in somebody aged 25? Do you think I'd have pain if it were a possibility?

07-11-13, 18:13
It could also be IBS. Ovarian cancer would be rare at your age and I would take reassurance on that from your doctor. Your symptoms don't sound like it anyway. (my best friend died from Ovarian cancer). Most likely for you would be IBS or anxiety.

07-11-13, 18:17
Thank you Annie, my partner suggested it could be IBS but as he has it I thought it would be unlikely I'd have it too. Can it actually make you vomit though?
I know I highly doubt he actually say 'you don't have cancer' if there was even the slightest chance I may.
The nausea is really affecting me though. I've tried Pepto Bismol and it does nothing. I've also tried Ginger ale and Peppermint Tea but nothing works.

07-11-13, 18:20
It does sound like IBS - in its various forms/levels of severity it's actually pretty common. The nausea is probably connected to the heartburn - it could be that you have a bit of acid reflux that needs more than just over the counter stuff to settle it down (acid reflux is very commonly brought on or at least worsened by stress and anxiety - as is IBS!). Have you mentioned the heartburn to your doctor?

07-11-13, 18:22
I suffer a lot of nausea have posted about if a few times. It is one of my worst anxiety symptoms but also common with IBS and especially acid reflux ( I suffer with both ) . I found toast to be helpful for nausea in the morning and dry cream crackers ( perhaps won't help everyone ), my friend suggested polo mints which seem to help me. Hope you are feeling better soon. x

07-11-13, 18:22
I have vomited with it before.

07-11-13, 18:23
Thanks Emlica. Nope I only clicked on about the heartburn when I realised I'd had it pretty much since my nausea started. I will mention it next time and hopefully he can give me something for it. I have been pregnant twice (one ended in miscarriage) and I know this reduces my overall chance of OC anyway so hopefully by next time I go to Docs I will be sorted and can then look forward to Christmas.
thanks guys

07-11-13, 18:25
Chamomile tea is quite soothing for the digestive system.

07-11-13, 18:26
Thanks Almamatters and Annie again. I did seem to vomit after eating yesterday and the other week and waited 12 hours before eating today and although I feel ill still I have kept down a tuna sandwich, some sweetcorn and some mashed potato today. I may try some antacids then, hopefully that will help.
I never get any pain either, can IBS be painless?

07-11-13, 18:26
Oh and I know it sounds daft but a tablespoon of baby gripe water always helps me :)

07-11-13, 18:28
Chamomile tea is quite soothing for the digestive system.

Great I have some Chamomile and spiced Apple tea in the cupboard. I will try some shortly.

07-11-13, 18:31
With IBS it doesn't have to be pain, can just be discomfort. But having said that, it actually sounds like your problem is more likely to be 'further up' - as in, in your stomach (reflux/heartburn/indigestion) than in your bowels. Though I suspect your bowels are slightly distressed by the level of stress/anxiety as well to be honest!

You could give Zantac a go, if you haven't tried that before?

07-11-13, 18:40
Can I just ask my doctor to give me Zantac and do you think he will? If it makes sense my nausea seems to be upper stomach rather than the pit of my stomach too? Maybe I have developed reflux or something. I have noticed these last few years I have a lot more cavities than normal and I believe I have good dental hygiene. I'm sure thats a sign of reflux too? Maybe I should mention that to my doctor too.

07-11-13, 19:00
I would discuss it with your Doctor, they should prescribe something for reflux if they think you have it. I get nausea upper stomach and I have had reflux for 10 years now, not sure about the connection to dental cavities though.

07-11-13, 19:56
Can I just ask my doctor to give me Zantac and do you think he will? If it makes sense my nausea seems to be upper stomach rather than the pit of my stomach too? Maybe I have developed reflux or something. I have noticed these last few years I have a lot more cavities than normal and I believe I have good dental hygiene. I'm sure thats a sign of reflux too? Maybe I should mention that to my doctor too.

I don't know that your doc will automatically give you Zantac (it's available over the counter, though), but if you explain your symptoms I would think it's likely that he'll prescribe something for heartburn/acid reflux. And yes I think there is a connection with tooth decay if the acid gets back as far as your throat/mouth.

07-11-13, 20:03
I take a generic OTC form of Zantac 150 am and pm. It helps me immensely with acid stomach.

08-11-13, 19:15
Thanks guys, I have bought some Tums today and hopefully it will ease.
I have been on Google quite a bit today tho :blush: now I'm worried about an impending heart attack. Surely though after three months if it was anything that could cause me to drop dead it would have happened by now? I have seriously been great with my health anxiety since my doctor prescribed me Paroxetine, but this nausea is setting it all off again.
It's the fact that when I do actually vomit (even though it's only happened on 3 separate days since August) I feel I'll and am bedbound. I don't get how indigestion can cause you to feel so poorly and last a couple of days.
When I'm not 'ill' I would say my nausea is around 2/10 so although stressful it's manageable, but when I get poorly all my fears pop up and I feel so down.

08-11-13, 22:08
Hello KeeKee,
Sorry to hear about your nausea - I know it can be incredibly scary and unpleasant business. I would recommend having your gallbladder checked. If you have any family history of gallstones or gall bladder issues it is definitely something to look into, especially if you notice the nausea after eating foods that contain fat.

09-11-13, 11:45
Thank you snacks. There are no problems of that sort in my family and my nausea isn't dependant on food or anything, but it wouldnt hurt to get it checked out though.
I still feel off today but haven't vomited since Wednesday and only 5 days until I can go to Docs so not long to wait. I also have a CBT appointment on Monday so I can have a bit moan then.
Thanks for all the help guys,

09-11-13, 11:57
For 6 months I had all your symptoms. My docs diagnosed ibs and indigestion. I was so ill and I lost a ridiculous amount if weight. They gave me lanzoprasol or something like that and it was a a god send! Xx

09-11-13, 12:05
Thank you anxiety overload. I didn't know indigestion could make you so poorly.

Also I hate to keep moaning but I have had mild diarrhea since Tuesday night (by which I mean not horrendous and not more than 2 or 3 Times per day), could this also be indigestion? I bought some Tums, should I take them even when I feel no heartburn?

Why do I feel worse than yesterday too :-(

---------- Post added at 12:05 ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 ----------

Also my weight isn't shifting and I still have a horse's appetite. If anything I could do with losing a few lbs. Not that I'd want to lose it through being ill mind.

09-11-13, 12:29
I can completely symphasise with you, I have IBS, and yeah acid reflux can make you feel really sick as a dog, Omeprazole is good for calming it down as a short term fix until you have it looked at, it could be an intolerance etc.

09-11-13, 12:33
Thank you Gina, I feel like o could vomit again and having googled again which I know I shouldn't have, it doesn't really say that vomiting and nausea for days could be indigestion. Plus on Wednesday I had nothing to eat due to vomiting so surely I shouldn't still be unwell when I haven't even ate? My partner us at work until 9 and I have to look after my 6 year old but I am starting to freak out thinking I have a heart condition or something.

09-11-13, 12:52
Thank you Gina, I feel like o could vomit again and having googled again which I know I shouldn't have, it doesn't really say that vomiting and nausea for days could be indigestion. Plus on Wednesday I had nothing to eat due to vomiting so surely I shouldn't still be unwell when I haven't even ate? My partner us at work until 9 and I have to look after my 6 year old but I am starting to freak out thinking I have a heart condition or something.

Do you have any symptoms like a gnawing hunger pain or irritated throat?

09-11-13, 12:56
Nope I just feel like I've had a bug, but I do get a bit of heartburn and rumbly tummy.

---------- Post added at 12:56 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ----------

On the day I was vomiting though and on Thursday when I was a little better all I could think about was food. Fatty food to be exact.

09-11-13, 12:57
Nope I just feel like I've had a bug, but I do get a bit of heartburn and rumbly tummy.

---------- Post added at 12:56 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ----------

On the day I was vomiting though and on Thursday when I was a little better all I could think about was food. Fatty food to be exact.

Have your doctors offered any food intolerance tests or anything like that?

09-11-13, 13:00
No. Basically he told me to do a diary and come back and I have an appointment for Thursday. I also thought that had he though indigestion was a possibility he would have mentioned it.
Do you think fearing heart issues is irrational? This is only due to Google but wad also why my health anxiety started in the first place (I had a few panic attacks and though I had a hearty problem, I did get an ECG though which was fine, but this was all back in March).

09-11-13, 13:07
No. Basically he told me to do a diary and come back and I have an appointment for Thursday. I also thought that had he though indigestion was a possibility he would have mentioned it.
Do you think fearing heart issues is irrational? This is only due to Google but wad also why my health anxiety started in the first place (I had a few panic attacks and though I had a hearty problem, I did get an ECG though which was fine, but this was all back in March).

Is the diary for food or heart symptoms? If it's for food then I would say he suspects a food group such as dairy or gluten (for example) could be a possibility or maybe can just get a clearer picture from the diary.

I think sometimes it's hard to know what came first anxiety or the symptoms, I still struggle with it sometimes too. Hopefully you'll get some more answers at the next appointment with the diary.

09-11-13, 13:09
It's a nausea diary. Basically I just write down when I feel nauseated and score it out of 10. He has already told me I have nothing wrong with my heart but he hasn't given me any possibilities to why I have been nauseated with occasional vomiting. When I actually vomit I feel ill too, kind of like a hangover or a bug.