View Full Version : Extreme Dizziness

07-11-13, 18:56
Oh well here I am again.... I have been feeling fairly dizzy 24/7 for like a month now and suddenly today I was on my computer and I felt like everything was spinning/moving and it was the scariest experience ever I thought I was going to faint just then. Well that passed but I still feel so dizzy like when I move my head it feels heavy like a weight and everything slightly moves. I am always on the computer because of ICT GCSE revision so I dont know if that causes it or not?! Can you have seizures or something bad from this I HOPE NOT otherwise I think I will like sleep forever because of nerves. I have a slight headache too but the moving heavy headed dizziness is very scary! Any help?! I am home alone so just great I will probably have a seizure here alone or faint...

07-11-13, 19:00
OMG! Just felt like I was spinning loads like half an hour ago and been crying ever since saying to myself....this is it....Im going to die right here.....well I am gunna faint and things like that. It is awful and I feel so so dizzy right now but not as bad as half an hour ago. Is it a computer thing? (I go on it 24/7) or anxiety (Had a awful day of it today)

07-11-13, 19:02
It can be anxiety related, I suggest you lie down for a while and when you get back up do it slowly x

07-11-13, 19:35
yes I think it can be a computer thing. You really shouldn't be on it 24/7, its very unnatural and addictive. Stay off it as much as you can.