View Full Version : Lightheaded/Off balance

07-11-13, 22:15
Since February I've been really lightheaded and feeling faint so I avoided going out in public so I just stay at home and avoid everything. I started CBT which was going really well I was managing to go in public places again then I had a set back and now when ever I walk outside I feel really off balance and I need to hold on to something and my head feels like its spinning and my eyes go really blurry and I feel so anxious and I need to get home, is this normal for anxiety because I have health anxiety I always think I'm dying and have an illness

08-11-13, 11:44
Im the same lately it'. Like I can't focus or move my head with my then my vision goes funny then I feel tired it's almost like my head will fall off! I've been meaning to go to the doctors as I don' t know what it is was wondering if it's from the anxiety but can it make u feel like u will fall over?! hmm have u been to c the doctor? Hope ur ok x

08-11-13, 16:26
Same as I feel tired aswell and its like everything is in slow motion. I've been to the doctors twice about it and she said its anxiety because I don't feel off balance or like that inside, and she said it could be where my mucles in my head are so tence but I find it so hard to believe I think there's something wrong with me, I just want to do normal things!