View Full Version : Numbness left side of face!!

07-11-13, 23:33
Hi Everyone

I've been getting this numbness on the left side of my face left cheek moving to chin sometimes, really frightening me!

Can anyone relate!?

please help someone i have it right now under left eye and left cheek

I'm thinking stroke HELP PLZ!

---------- Post added at 23:33 ---------- Previous post was at 23:06 ----------

Please has anyone had this =-O

Daisy Sue
07-11-13, 23:37
Have you got a headache, or neck ache?

07-11-13, 23:43
Thanks for your reply sue

No i haven't what is this?

Daisy Sue
07-11-13, 23:50
Well I've had something very similar, but usually during or just after a rotten headache.. I get the weird numb/dragging feeling on one half of my face only, in fact the feeling stops exactly in the centre of my chin.. it can go right up my face and over that half of my head too, horrid creepy feelings :(

Of course I thought 'stroke' too, nearly every time, but I actually think it's more to do with muscle spasms than anything.

08-11-13, 00:08
Oh sue thanks

I said to my GP about it and he said it's when your anxiety flares up the muscles in your face and nerves are taking a hammering and as a result numbness & aches n pains occur but I'm still really afraid when it happens, he put it down to anxiety all my bloods are normal along with everything else o_O

---------- Post added at 00:08 ---------- Previous post was at 00:05 ----------

But this would be the brain or do you think I'm catastrophising?

He prescribed me diazepam i wonder if i should take one because this is getting me worked up big time :'(

Daisy Sue
08-11-13, 00:11
I'd be inclined to try and believe your doctor's take on this, it really does make sense.

I was put on a muscle relaxant for this symptom and it did seem to help, maybe you could mention it to the doc next time? It was called Methocarbamol. In the meantime you could try massaging your scalp & neck & relaxing, see if that makes any difference.

I hope it goes soon, I know how awful it feels. :(

---------- Post added at 00:11 ---------- Previous post was at 00:10 ----------

Yep - take the diazepam, I would. & have a big hot cuppa & curl up on the sofa, watch tv.... hopefully the tablet & a bit of distraction will help :)

08-11-13, 00:13
He prescribed me valium Sue

Would that help?

Thanks btw your always there for me Sue x

Daisy Sue
08-11-13, 00:18
:) We seem to be online at the same times.. insomniacs lol!

Yeah the valium (diazepam) is wonderful for calming you down, both physically & mentally. I take one if I've not slept for a few nights & it gives me a good sleep... I also took one just before my MRI scan recently, as I knew those scans can be quite traumatic, & it relaxed me really well.

08-11-13, 00:25
Lol yeah nighthawks

I'll take one anything to take this away

I really appreciate your help sue x

if your still up i'll.let you.know if it has worked

Daisy Sue
08-11-13, 00:27
Ok, let me know anyway.. I'll check in, in the morning, if I have to go to bed before you post. But a word of advice - don't sit there analysing if the tablet has worked or not, just take it and try & forget it.. you can end up giving yourself different stress/anxiety symptoms by trying to figure out how you're feeling constantly.

And, you're welcome :)

08-11-13, 01:59
No probs sue x

Thanks for the advice Goodnight ;-)

I'll look out for your posts

---------- Post added at 01:59 ---------- Previous post was at 00:33 ----------

Hi sue your a doll ;-)

It has worked, a didn't think about it after i took the diazepam, i can relate to that dwelling part to, something that we do from time to time though unfortunately.

:):flowers: saviour cheers

Daisy Sue
08-11-13, 09:31
Good morning :) Aw I'm so pleased it worked!! Hopefully you won't worry so much if you ever get those feelings again, & you know you've got something to take if it really gets to you. Really pleased for you, Petesy :)

09-11-13, 21:28
Sorry for not getting back sooner Sue

Yeah it worked a treat, a cuppa n a comedy (waterboy) Lol

so the laughter & relaxation distracted me and it went away

thanks again for your help Sue, Hope all is well ;-) X

Daisy Sue
09-11-13, 23:23
Great news :D

All is ok in my world ta - apart from waking up with neck ache this morning, which morphed into a headache this evening, as I guessed it would. :(

10-11-13, 00:57
Hi Sue

That's great

so it's your neck and and a headache, has it subsided ?

Tension possibly or maybe the way you've been lying in bed.

Daisy Sue
10-11-13, 01:07
I took some paracetamol earlier so it's bearable now... yeah I do get tension in my neck/head muscles - luckily it's not gone into one of those horrid ones which affect my face this time.

11-11-13, 22:11
Hi sue

Well that's good that the paracetamol worked.

yeah that numbness feeling! Even though we know what it is it still scares the c#*p out of me, so i know how you feel.

I've just started my exercise regime back up & I'm trembling after it but i know it's because i've just started were i've left off thinking i can lift the same weight as six month ago.

Need to build it up again i ain't letting it hold me back :-)

Daisy Sue
11-11-13, 23:07
Well done! Yes I would say build yourself up gradually to where you were before, fitness-wise, as our muscles & strength soon diminish when we have a break from it. I used to do step aerobics every day, stopped for about 2 years, then tried again the other month. Ugh, I had pain in places I didn't even know I had places! lol.

I was a good girl today :D I went through with having my flu jab, even though I was on the verge of chickening out right up until the nurse said "too late, it's done". So far so good, no side effects, and my arm hardly hurts at all.

Good to hear you sounding on the up :)

12-11-13, 15:39
Hi Sue

Lol yeah i woke up this morning with pains all over but at least i know the reason why, my body needs to adapt to it again, even though i'm moving about like an old man lol.

No pain No gain Eh

Great Sue that you went and got it done, the side effects i've seen of the jab are just flu like symptoms but it's good that you are feeling ok and went through it when you felt like leaving it, plus this weather is horrible temp drops from afternoon and keeps dropping so you're prepared.

Small steps like ours may seem trivial to others but they're achievements to us ;-)

Welldone Sue i'm happy for you and I'm also glad to.hear your on the up too :yesyes: x

14-11-13, 09:58
I had this yesterday, also followed by a rash. I normally get this ehen ive had migranes, but any sort of headache was not present yesterday. Made me panic becausr I thought I was having an elergic reaction yo something and the my throat would swell and close up.

Daisy Sue
14-11-13, 12:28
I had this yesterday, also followed by a rash. I normally get this ehen ive had migranes, but any sort of headache was not present yesterday. Made me panic becausr I thought I was having an elergic reaction yo something and the my throat would swell and close up.

How are you today? Can you think of anything different that you ate or came into contact with?

14-11-13, 14:54
Went to the doctors and discovered id overdosed on cough sweets, haha who even does that?

15-11-13, 16:41

Just saw your post regarding the numbness, I use to get this all the time when my anxiety was bad... I use to get it across the bridge of my nose, across my forehead and under my left hand eye, It felt numb and like a crawling sensation at times to...

I have had 2 mris and I am physically fine so do not worry :)

15-11-13, 17:58
Hi fedup36

Yeah it's a horrible feeling, the thing that sets it off even more is when my words get mumbo jumbo when my face is numb, that spells one thing out in our minds (stroke)
and that behaviour can make symptoms amplified, so i try to just let it pass :-)

When i seen your nickname i laughed (not at you of course) just cause that's the way I'mfeeling right now Fed Up.

Cheers ;-)

15-11-13, 18:06
Ah I am normally fed up!! Haha... I've started to combat my anxiety now though :) at last...

I get awful dizzy spells to, literally feel like I'm about to die/faint/have a seizure!! Hence why I am so fed up!!

We will get there in the end!!

16-11-13, 23:02
Hi, I just wanted you to know that there are others with this symptom. This has been my most troublesome one. I have had it for 12 years. I also feel like someone is pouring hot water down the side of my face a few times. The more tense I get the worse it gets. I also get pulsating on the side of my nose or under my left eye. I notice if I try to stretch my neck under my chin than it helps a little. I hope that you are doing OK. I hate to think that anyone else has to live the way I do. Take care, Tiff

16-11-13, 23:10
Yes I had a PA soo bad I felt numb and then I thought stroke , I'm pregnant & even a little numbness is normal, I have to try & stay calm. I have an issue with stroke because when I was early on pregnant, with my first baby I thought I suffered a TIA like a stroke, I went weired couldn't see & then my speech completely went. Seriously I couldn't speak, I sounded like someone with a severe speech impediment. Also as a migraine sufferer , the visual, weired numb feelings of that send my anxiety through the roof.

Takecare all :grouphug:

13-12-13, 08:09
Jitterbug and Col i hope yous are doing ok and it's good to get your experiences out there i myself am really grateful for it so thank you :-)

Take Care.

29-12-13, 23:39
Hi jitterbug

what you've explained on this thread is exactly what I'm going through right now the nose, under left eye and left side of face, really frightening tbh I'm afraid right now my fiancee has MS, so i don't like to trouble her with my problems when she is so positive considering her diagnoses.

Hope you are ok :-)
