View Full Version : brain/vision help plz

07-11-13, 23:13
this is the best description i can make of my sensations =
Visual my eyes go in and out of focus, or like a zoom, Kind of like when you cross your eyes on purpose just a little. My brain feels like it is sloshing around (moving, again, how to describe). After i feel this sensation the anxiety kicks in, it never happens when i am in an anxious state, its always the other way round. It lasts 2 seconds approx and i know that sounds like nothing but when it happens over and over again it feels like its a lot longer and im seriously panicking that im going to have a stroke or something as sinister. It has been really hard because no one I have found can understand my description or give me a believable explanation for it.
Im struggling to cope at the moment...im going to bed afraid to go to sleep incase something happens to me in the night

can anyone help

08-11-13, 00:15
The exact same thing happens to me and it never last longer than 10 seconds. My anxiety kicks in because it scares me to death. Interestingly enough, if I cover either eye with my hand, the blurriness is gone. I have learned to breathe deeply when it occurs and it doesn't then lead to panic.
I had my eyes checked out and they were fine I was told it was anxiety.

08-11-13, 07:00
It is a difficult sensation to grasp, but I'm wondering if it's some kind of dizziness or vertigo? I sometimes get a vertigo sensation that feels like my braining is moving or spinning, quite like that feeling you get when you spin around for a minute and then lie on the ground or like a sensation of being on a boat or waterbed.

Is the kind of sensation you mean? Does it feel like your eyes are moving on their own, like they are flickering?

08-11-13, 16:20
I also have the vision thing just now. My eyes go blurry and I have to look away and then back again to re-focus. Also I have a pressure like feeling in my head, feels like my head is too heavy and it's weighing me down.

I am awaiting an appointment with the ENT clinic to try get to the bottom of it.

08-11-13, 16:43
Ahhhhh God sounds awful, I dont have what u describe but having major visual issues myself t the minute. That immediate flood of adrenalin - awful. Stroke worries, TIA worries, migraine migraine bloody migraine worries.

God as if anxiety isn't bad enough. Xxxxx

09-11-13, 23:51
Thanks for replying guys xxx
It's so hard to describe and tonight I had a really bad one.......
You know that sensation in your chest if someone jumps out and scared you?
It's like that...but in my head, inside and on the outside.....at the same time it feels like my vision turns round while my head remains facing forward...
I have had vertigo before but it was the room and surroundings moving around This does not feel the same at all. It does only last seconds, but they are very frightening seconds and u can't get anyone else to understand how it feels.

Also......I keep feeling starving hungry and a bit shaky, like if I don't eat there and then I will collapse, I've felt it all day and that's also scaring me so much that I fear going to sleep incase something happens to me.
I'm not diabetic so don't think it's blood sugar etc :(

Just so depressing :(