View Full Version : I don't know where to get help

07-11-13, 23:37
I hope you can help me. Anxiety is taking over my life and I don't know where to turn.

The thing is, I know more or less what my main triggers are and actively try to avoid them. By doing so I can go a period of time living a relatively normal life until something happens and I'm stuck again. During this normal time, I'm far less inclined to seek any kind of help which includes (stupidly I know) not taking my medication.

It's gotten to the point where it dictates every aspect of my life as I make my decisions based around avoiding situations that frighten me or cause me anxiety. I went through a severe period of health anxiety a while back and as a result my GP doesn't really take me seriously anymore. Everytime I go to ask for help, I get so scared of her that I immediately burst into tears and can't articulate anyway. I keep getting repeatedly fobbed off with different medications and told to ask at work if they have a counselling service as the waiting list is too long. I can't access counselling at work because I'm agency staff and I definitely don't want them to know I have a problem because I' m scared of loosing my job.

I need an intervention of some sort but I have absolutely no idea of where to turn. I hide everything from the people around me so, while they know I have a problem, they're clueless as to the true extent.

My main question is this, are there any kind of formal services I can access WITHOUT a GP refferal? There is no way in hell I have the confidence to press the issue with her and so I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Please forgive the mess above, I hope you can understand my ramblings.

Thank you.

08-11-13, 00:10
I find that the more that I avoid things, people and places that frighten me, the worse my anxiety and panic attacks are. Have you thought about CBT, which includes some exposure therapy? Sounds like that could really help you.
Your GP is bound to recognize that HA is a disease and could refer you for CBT. Don't be afraid of your GP. Open up to her and if that isn't possible, possibly find a new GP. The GP is there to help you.

08-11-13, 00:56
Laylora, I have a link here that can help you locate mental health services/counselling/etc in your specific area. The NHS have brought in this new thing where they are trying to improve access to mental health services through offering more self-referral options.

Here is the link. You just put in your town/area and it will list local services and tell you next to them which you can self-refer:


Hope it helps.x:hugs:

08-11-13, 09:04
I recently had a course of CBT with a service which people could refer themselves to. The link that Debs has posted will help you find any of these services. If you have enough money or health insurance then there's private counselling and CBT.

I will say that avoiding triggers will only make your anxiety worse. Whilst you wait for treatment I highly recommend acknowledging what situations you are avoiding and why. Is it a fear of having a panic attack?