View Full Version : artifact on ct scan

08-11-13, 01:11
Had my first brain ct scan done yesterday and already the results are back to my dr. stating artifact found on my right temporal lobe. My dr. told me not to worry as its comparable to a smudge in a picture. I will now be sent for a MRI. Im feeling very lost.... uninformed and more panicked then ever. Has anyone else experienced said "artifacts?"

08-11-13, 01:44
ok googling it (only doing it because I don't have HA) I have found the following....

- Artefact/artifact: a computer error, nothing to worry about

so it seems that it is literally a smudge on the scan where the computer went wrong briefly.

08-11-13, 01:59
venusbluejeans thank you so much!!

08-11-13, 02:02
you are welcome, try not to worry I am guessing the MRI will turn out fine too :)

08-11-13, 04:47
That's good, and now I bet your MRI will be fine :)

10-11-13, 05:37
Not convinced everything will be fine. The artifact can look as though theres something there so until a mri verifies everything.. the Dr. cant reassure me that its nothing...sick with worry

10-11-13, 12:16
"Had a very big expensive thorough test." "Still not reassured because it didn't come back 100% perfect."

Classic health anxiety.

A CT scan is an amazing thing. If you cant trust in that. Then what TEST can you trust?

Best of luck to you.

11-11-13, 18:27
Thats just it, the Dr. cant reassure me... something did show up. possibly an artifact on the scan or possible lesion. wont know until MRI!!

14-11-13, 18:08
They called this morning to book the MRI. Its for 2 weeks tims. thats a long time to sit and worry.. so confused as to why i need this if indeed a artifact is just a problem with the first scan.

14-11-13, 18:18
Here's the thing Laine,

Your doctor is doing what a good doctor is supposed to do. A MRI is one step up from a CT scan and shows more detail. With your HA, you'd be worrying why they're not following up to make sure the artifact was in fact an artifact and you'd be worrying anyway right?

I know 2 weeks is a long time but at least you'll know for sure. Chances are very high, with your history of anxiety related symptoms that this will all come back clear and you can hopefully put it to rest.

Positive thoughts!

14-11-13, 18:22
fishmanpa- thank you :)

14-11-13, 18:52
I'm having the same type of issues as you are, so I can really sympathize. I hope things work out for you.

14-11-13, 19:39
channibear.. :( what are you going through? feel free to pm me.