View Full Version : I'm going insane.. (mri worry)

08-11-13, 03:51
Okay so it's 5am here where I live and I haven't slept in 49 hours. The last two months have been horrible. But it all started 10 months ago when I randomly passed out. That happened about 7 times after that (in this 10 months period). I didn't think much of it since people in my age can pass out from a number of reasons (I'm 19 years old, girl). But now 2 months ago everything went downhill. I started throwing up, have weird onesided head pressure feelings, constant dizzyness etc. I've been going to the hospital sooo many times during this period but they haven't found anything (but my calcium levels were high, that of course scared the hell out of me cause it could be a sign of cancer. But now they were normal and I remembered that I took calcium pills before the bloodtest). When my pupils got really dilated they made an emergency CT-scan but it was all clear.

Anyway..I had a MRI on monday and they said that I would get the results in today. I'm so scared. My vision is constantly blurry and I have these awful headaches and also ringing in ears. Numbness on the left side on my body (from head to toe, constant!). 'Out of it' feeling.. basically all the symptoms of a brain tumor. But since my CT-scan didn't show anything I'm scared that the tumor/cancer is in the brainstem and that is really deadly, only months to live...and it's even the most common braincancer in young people (I know, I google too much, it also causes dilated pupils etc. all my symptoms).

I'm just worrying all the time, I have only left my house to go to the hospital on this two months period and I really think I'm going insane. I so hope that all this is just some crazy anxiety but I haven't had any mental issues before.....anyway I posted this so that if my MRI results are clear then people might see this and notice how bad my symptoms are and that it doesnt always have to be braincancer! Also I needed to get this of my chest...sorry if my english sucks, first post! This website is amazing btw!

08-11-13, 07:18
Hello worrier, welcome to the boards :) Im sorry you're going through this at the moment.

The symptoms you describe are scary, so I'm not surprised you find yourself worried. But please try not to, a tumour is so rare that it's really not very likely. There can be other reasons for your symptoms that are far less deadly.

Remember to breathe today, you'll get through it just fine. And make sure to let us know how you got on x

08-11-13, 07:52
Worrier - my fingers are also crossed that whatever is causing the symptoms is easily treatable. Often times these things, as bad as they seem/feel are :hugs:

08-11-13, 10:20
Okay so it's 5am here where I live and I haven't slept in 49 hours. The last two months have been horrible. But it all started 10 months ago when I randomly passed out. That happened about 7 times after that (in this 10 months period). I didn't think much of it since people in my age can pass out from a number of reasons (I'm 19 years old, girl). But now 2 months ago everything went downhill. I started throwing up, have weird onesided head pressure feelings, constant dizzyness etc. I've been going to the hospital sooo many times during this period but they haven't found anything (but my calcium levels were high, that of course scared the hell out of me cause it could be a sign of cancer. But now they were normal and I remembered that I took calcium pills before the bloodtest). When my pupils got really dilated they made an emergency CT-scan but it was all clear.

Anyway..I had a MRI on monday and they said that I would get the results in today. I'm so scared. My vision is constantly blurry and I have these awful headaches and also ringing in ears. Numbness on the left side on my body (from head to toe, constant!). 'Out of it' feeling.. basically all the symptoms of a brain tumor. But since my CT-scan didn't show anything I'm scared that the tumor/cancer is in the brainstem and that is really deadly, only months to live...and it's even the most common braincancer in young people (I know, I google too much, it also causes dilated pupils etc. all my symptoms).

I'm just worrying all the time, I have only left my house to go to the hospital on this two months period and I really think I'm going insane. I so hope that all this is just some crazy anxiety but I haven't had any mental issues before.....anyway I posted this so that if my MRI results are clear then people might see this and notice how bad my symptoms are and that it doesnt always have to be braincancer! Also I needed to get this of my chest...sorry if my english sucks, first post! This website is amazing btw!

Honey I am exactly like you and I have the same fear that i have brain cancer/tumor. I am still waiting to be booked in for a mri scan. I am so afraid of that i really am. For 2 years now i been experiencing pain in left eye as well as swelling. It would get so bad that I could not do anything, I cant even talk even. I been to my eye doctor who gave me eyedrops and that helped but couldnt be on that eyedrops for more than a month so he gave me some other one which didnt help. In my pictures even i look like i have a swollen eye, and it is not normal at all. I am so scared, i have this heaviness feeling in my head like head pressure it is so bad. Sometimes I feel so alone and worried what if something is seriously wrong and im going to die ?? So i just want you to know that im here if you need to talk,just pm me anytime.

08-11-13, 15:23
I'm in the same boat, with some of those issues and worried about BT. Please keep us updated "Worrier"

09-11-13, 10:01
So.. I can't believe it. I called the hospital and they said they're out of staff and I should call them again on Monday. WTF?! They promised to give me my results yesterday. Great, another weekend of panic. I wrote my first post kind of fast, I have other symptoms too. Like last night my vision went really weird, I saw ghosting and halos around everything. Also sharp headaches and fatigue. I have absolutely no appetite. But yes, it's good to hear that many of us have similar symptoms and I will keep you updated. If my mri is clear then I will seek help from an eyedoctor and eardoctor. I wish we all could get better..:hugs:

09-11-13, 10:04
So.. I can't believe it. I called the hospital and they said they're out of staff and I should call them again on Monday. WTF?! They promised to give me my results yesterday. Great, another weekend of panic. I wrote my first post kind of fast, I have other symptoms too. Like last night my vision went really weird, I saw ghosting and halos around everything. Also sharp headaches and fatigue. I have absolutely no appetite. But yes, it's good to hear that many of us have similar symptoms and I will keep you updated. If my mri is clear then I will seek help from an eyedoctor and eardoctor. I wish we all could get better..:hugs:

Thank you for your reply...all the best

Daisy Sue
09-11-13, 11:15
Hi Worrier, so sorry to hear you've got to wait even further! :(

Got my fingers crossed for good results for you too.. please let us know when you can.

So many of your symptoms could be put down to acute anxiety, especially as you're having new ones just now, near the time you get your MRI results.

Good luck.

09-11-13, 12:34
Ugh Im sorry that you have to wait longer :(

Has anyone ever assessed you for migraine? Some of what you describe sounds very like migraine symptoms - it's not just headache, it's a disruption of the nervous system that sometimes may involve no headache at all! Is there anyone in your family who suffers from them?

11-11-13, 07:11
Hello! So it's Monday...If I don't get the results today I don't know what I'm going to with myself.

Yes my symptoms does sound like migraines too but no one in my family or relatives have it. And it would be weird cause I really rarely have any headaches at all. And these have been going for months now. But if my mri is clear then I will check up for it, it could be a cause for all of this + the anxiety it has caused.

Oh btw! On Friday night I started seeing halos around everything as I told you. Well now I had it again and when I washed my eyes it went away. So maybe eyestrain or dry eyes? I'll remember to do it next time it happens before I panic for two hours lol :D.

11-11-13, 08:13
My fingers remain crossed for good news Worrier, at worst news you can handle and an easy fix (like migraines for example). All being well ... let us know you're ok :hugs:

11-11-13, 16:53
YES! My mri was clear! So all good in the brain area. They did however find a heard condition. That could initially be the cause of my passing out. So my thoughts are these: first I passed out because of the heart thing. Then I started freaking out about it and got a panic/anxiety disorder and that is the cause of my vision problems etc. It makes sense to me. So people, no matter how bad your symptoms are, it doesnt always have to be a deadly brain thing :)! Cheers to all of you and thank you so much for your support!

11-11-13, 16:57
YES! My mri was clear! So all good in the brain area. They did however find a heard condition. That could initially be the cause of my passing out. So my thoughts are these: first I passed out because of the heart thing. Then I started freaking out about it and got a panic/anxiety disorder and that is the cause of my vision problems etc. It makes sense to me. So people, no matter how bad your symptoms are, it doesnt always have to be a deadly brain thing :)! Cheers to all of you and thank you so much for your support!

Great news and sage words of wisdom as well! Take care of that heart of yours!

"So people, no matter how bad your symptoms are, it doesn't always have to be a deadly brain thing :)!"

11-11-13, 17:27
Worrier that's fantastic news! I second Fishman's response - take care of your heart and thank you so much for your very insightful comment :yesyes: