View Full Version : repeat uti....ugh!

08-11-13, 04:55
i had a uti about a month ago. didn't think it was a uti because only my back and ribs hurt.

took that bactrim stuff...took about a week to go away but i got some really nasty side effects like numbness and severe migraine with that...

now i can feel that familiar pain in my back and tummy.
what antibiotic will i get next? im really scared of the side effects...could my uti bacteria have become resistant? eek :/

i have no idea why im getting these. this is my second one ever.
i shower everyday,wear cotton underwear, am not sexually active (lol) etc...what's going on >.<
they are horrible i dont know how people put up with these it hurts to move!!!

08-11-13, 13:31
Hi eastofeden,

Sorry you are under the weather again.

UTI's can be very stubborn little buggers to get rid of. I've had to have more than one course of antibiotics to finally get shot of them before. Sometimes, it just needs more than one course, or sometimes you need a different antibiotic to the one you've tried to finally get rid.

Two others I know of are Co-amoxiclav and Ciprofloxacin, but there are others which treat UTI's, though Trimethoprim is the usual one, but you have had that with Bactrim already. I would go back to your doctor if your symptoms persist.

Sadly, it doesn't take much to get a UTI, and even something like the way you wipe can cause one. If you wipe from back to front, even mistakenly, bacteria can pass from the bottom to the front, and that bacteria can travel up the urethra and cause a UTI. Women mostly get them because our urethra is nearer to the bottom and shorter, so bacteria doesn't have far to travel....what a joy womanhood is. Also if you are a dehydrated, that can cause a UTI too, as bacteria accumulates.

You can get rid of them, but sometimes it is a bit trial and error, and takes some time.

Get well soon.x:hugs: